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Ways Employers Can Support Essential Workers During a Pandemic

If you didn’t already know how valuable your employees were to your business, hopefully, current times have enhanced your awareness. If not for their hard work and dedication, keeping your business alive in the middle of a global health crisis would be impossible. Despite the health and safety risks to themselves and those they love, they come to work diligently to continue servicing those in need.

Essential Workers During a Pandemic

As essential personnel goes above and beyond for your organization, it’s only right that business owners do more to show support during these uncertain times. Continue reading for solutions on how to express empathy and thanks to your team. [Read more…]

Considering Pursuing a DNP – How It Can Change Your Career Trajectory For The Better

Are you currently an RN who has been working in the field for years, or perhaps still relatively new to the position? Do you enjoy working in the healthcare industry, giving back to patients, and feeling as though you’re making a difference in people’s lives? While this is all wonderful, the fact is that once you become an RN, that doesn’t have to be the end of the road, and it doesn’t have to be your final career that you are stuck with until you’re ready to retire.

Considering Pursuing a DNP

For many RNs, there is that desire to keep pushing, to rise to the next level and truly master those more senior positions. So, how can you achieve this? This is exactly when it can be well worth your time to look into your Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), which makes it possible for you to deliver that next level of care and service. But how exactly can a DNP change your career trajectory for the better? Let’s get more specific. [Read more…]

Tips for Becoming A Better Business Leader

Being a working mom can be hectic. When you’re at home, you have to take care of the kids. When you go to work, you have to take care of your business and employees. It can be so confusing to balance the two.

Tips for Becoming A Better Business Leader

However, it isn’t impossible. Here is how you can use your motherly knowledge to become a better business leader.:

  1. Lead by Example

Leadership can be mistaken for being bossy. Giving instructions and ordering people around is not always the best leadership tactic. A responsible leader should be proactive. You should be leading by example by showing the way to get things done. [Read more…]

Tips For Real Estate Virtual Assistants

It can be rewarding to work as a virtual assistant who specializes in working with real estate and mortgage financing professionals. But it can also be tough, especially when there’s an economic downturn; the recession that came near the end of the last decade taught us that. Realtors–even successful ones–have to drastically cut their budgets, and the first thing to go are service providers who bill at an hourly rate. When there is work it can be tough to get paid; Realtors have to prioritize the people who can turn out the lights first. 

Tips For Real Estate Virtual Assistants

That being said, you can be the type of real estate virtual assistant who weathers the storms. Here are a few tips from the voice of experience.

Establish Yourself as an Expert

Maybe we should back up and take it one step further: First, become an expert. Then, establish yourself as an expert. Here’s the deal: There are many, many places online where your clients can go to find someone to do one-off tasks for them. Why should they hire you?  [Read more…]