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How To Make More Time For Your Kids

You work a full-time job — almost every modern parent does. In fact, studies have found that two incomes are all but mandatory for raising a family in the high-cost world of the 21st century. Still, if you feel like you are missing out on crucial developments in your child’s life because you need to make a morning meeting or hit a project deadline, you might need to rearrange your priorities — and your schedule.

How To Make More Time For Your Kids

The truth is that your job is important, but so is spending time with your little ones during their formative years. Here are a few tips for squeezing more out of your time with them — and squeezing more time out of your day. [Read more…]

6 Practical Tips To Save Money On Shopping For Your New Baby

Your little bundle of happiness can cost you a fortune. You will soon see pounds sprouting wings and flowing away one by one. Needless to say, welcoming a new member in the family would definitely bring new financial pressures. But, that’s not the reason to worry about. We have provided some tricks and tips that can help you cut down the cost, so you can enjoy the moments of your parenthood rather than worrying about the expenses.

6 Practical Tips To Save Money On Shopping For Your New Baby [Read more…]

3 Ways To Save When Shopping For Holiday Gifts

The holidays is a time for spending time with family. It is also a time that many spend lots of money on gifts for their families and loved ones. If you like to buy gifts but you also like to save money, below I am going to share 5 different ways that you can save when shopping for holiday gifts.

3 Ways To Save When Shopping For Holiday Gifts

Set A Spending Limit

Make a list with all the people that you will be shopping for. Then decide how much you want to spend on your total holiday shopping. Next divide that total by the amount of people on your list. This is can be easily done if you want to spend the same amount on everyone.

Use Savings Apps Or Websites

There are many websites that can help you save money when you are shopping for gifts. You will find websites that offer a variety of coupon codes that can help you save on both in store and online purchases. There are also communities like Sello where you can find hundreds of online coupons and save on brand-new products from independent retailers. Don’t be quick to buy something before if you can find out if there is an promo code to save you money, even if it may just be for free shipping.

Make Your Own Gifts

Some of the best gifts are the ones that are homemade. There are many different things that you can make like cookies and other baked goods like fruit cakes that make for great gift ideas. If you are crafty you can also get creative and make something like DIY bath bombs that your friends or family would love.

These are just a few ideas on ways that you can save money when shopping for gifts for the holidays. There are other options like shopping at second hand stores or even re-gifting for those trying to save the most money!

6 Things to Get Your Husband on Your Anniversary

6 Things to Get Your Husband on Your Anniversary

Was it only yesterday when you got married? You can still remember your beautiful wedding day, the way the music has floated to you as you walked down the aisle and the way your husband gazed at you as you exchanged your vows.  Time has flown so fast that your married life feels like one happy blur and now you have been together for a year or more. You have been thinking of making your anniversary extra special, a fitting tribute to the milestone you have achieved as husband and wife. [Read more…]