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Do You Need A Personal Stylist For The Wedding

Your wedding is one of the most important days of your life. Most brides dream of their wedding day for years. When the time comes, great effort is put into shopping for the right wedding dresses, bridal gowns, wedding gowns You may wonder why it is so difficult to select the gowns you are going to wear, when you have had the perfect dress in your mind for many years. It is really quite simple.

Do You Need a Personal Stylist for the Wedding

You may think a personal stylist is out of your reach, but they are not. Celebrities are not the only people who can afford them. Have an honest and open conversation with them about what you need them to do. Make sure they work well with your wedding planner )take your wedding planner with you for the appointment) and work out an arrangement that you are happy with. [Read more…]

Heavy Lifting without the Heavy Pressure: How to Make a Move Easier

The prospect of job opportunities, social circles, and an all-around new way of life is enough for many to pack and move to a new city. In fact, it’s almost a way of life for many Americans versus their European counterparts. Americans will typically move 11x in their lifetime versus just 4x for Europeans.

One would think the frequency of these moves would make each, new time easier. But, lifestyles change, relationships flourish, and we tend to hoard so each move needs extra planning and labor.

 Heavy Lifting without the Heavy Pressure: How to Make a Move Easier [Read more…]

Simple Solutions to Keeping Healthcare Costs Down

Though affordable healthcare coverage is available for eligible families in the US, many would agree that medical-related expenses cost a lot of money. Copays, premiums, and prescription costs can often set household budgets back. As it’s not a clever idea to go without medical coverage and care, you’ll want to find ways to cut back on the cost of common health care expenses. Here are a few examples.

Simple Solutions to Keeping Healthcare Costs Down [Read more…]

4 Reasons You Should Celebrate Your Decision to Get a Minivan

For years you swore that you would never become one of “them” — you know, a (gasp) minivan driver. You said that when you had kids, you would simply buy a huge SUV to cart everyone around, thus avoiding owning a minivan.

4 Reasons You Should Celebrate Your Decision to Get a Minivan [Read more…]