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When Moving To Or From Los Angeles Becomes Complicated

When It Rains, It Pours
Sometimes no matter how well you plan something, it can blow up in your face. You may do your best to figure out every detail of a trip across the country. You may budget your gas properly, get food supplies in place, clean your home and car, leave early—and still find yourself caught in the middle of a storm that causes you to crash your vehicle.

As complicated as road trips are, they can’t hold a candle to moving to a new house or an apartment. Sometimes it seems like the house is falling apart as you leave, sometimes you’ll find all kinds of problems with a new property when you arrive. One of the worst things you can experience during such a transition is water damage—especially in L.A.

Los Angeles is a massive city that stretches for miles. At the wrong time it can take you an hour to drive one mile. If you leave a property you’re selling and it begins to leak, it could be a minimum of two hours before you arrive at your new home, drop off your goods, and make your way to the original property. [Read more…]

How To Prepare For the School Run

Now that it is colder, it is a good idea to get everyone’s winter gear out and check it all. That way you can avoid waking up to a cold, wet and windy day only to realize that one of the kid’s, or you, do not have the right clothes available to wear.

Get everyone to try their coats on

The first step is to get everyone’s hats, gloves, scarves and coats for the winter months out of the cupboard and check they are in good condition. Get everyone to try on everything to make sure everything still fits. That way you will have plenty of time the chance to slip to the shops and buy the replacements you need. [Read more…]

Benefits of Using a Party Bus for Children’s Birthday Parties

In the day and age where Pinterest reigns king, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed when trying to plan a children’s birthday party. Looking at the different examples of well put together birthday themes, decorations, activities, party favors and food options is a great way to get some inspiration, but don’t add any unrealistic expectations to your plate. After all, children just want to have fun with their friends, enjoying some sugar and activities along the way. They aren’t concerned about having a birthday party that looks like it belongs on the cover of Good Housekeeping!

Benefits of Using a Party Bus for Children's Birthday Parties [Read more…]

How To Live Like A Millionaire On A Shoestring Budget

One of the biggest challenges for any mom is making ends meet.  But why should you stop at just scratching by?  Why not try to live like a millionaire on a shoestring budget.  Think it can’t be done?  Well, it can and you can raise a family in relative comfort without needing to worry about breaking the bank.  With that in mind, here are some tips on how to live like a millionaire.

How To Live Like A Millionaire On A Shoestring Budget [Read more…]