As many moms — both new and seasoned — can attest, babies and children are a blessing. But, truth be told, they also know all too well that babies can be downright messy! Mothers tend to have little time to spare throughout the day, and though these littlest members of the family can bring disarray, moms everywhere wouldn’t change it for the world. Fortunately, there are ways you can minimize your daily disturbances and annoyances with these timesaving hacks.
How Early Is Too Early To Teach Coding to Kids?
Kids learning to code in school is a craze that has hit public schools in the last several years. It’s all the rage from high schools to elementary schools to afterschool clubs at all levels. The movement to teach children to code is widespread. Countries around the world – not just the United States – are jumping on board and teaching their young students to code. Children are being exposed to programming languages earlier and earlier. How young can a child be, however, for it to make sense to teach that child coding?
How Parents Can Help Their Children Address Mental Health Issues
Parents want what is best for their kids. Since mental health issues among children are a growing concern, parents have an especially important role in making sure their child’s mental health needs are met. Check out the following ideas for how you can help your child cope with mental health issues.
Why are kids having mental health issues?
Being a kid today is different than it was not that long ago. Constantly changing social pressures, technology, and lack of privacy due to social media all contribute to new difficulties for children. Consider the fact that from the moment a baby is born, their photo is often shared on social media. This lack of privacy has potential to overwhelm and embarrass children. With technology at the forefront of everyone’s lives today, children are expected to own the latest gadgets to keep up with their peers. The price tag on such tech gadgets is high though, so only kids with parents who have the financial means can own the latest and coolest gadgets. [Read more…]
Be Ready for Anything the Day Brings: The Best Smartphone Apps for Busy Mothers
Your mobile devices can be invaluable when you’re raising kids, not only can they help you remember all the things you have to do, it can also store information, give you alerts and keep you sane. These apps will help busy moms with kids of all ages manage their days, dress them right and be ready for anything that comes their way.