Nothing can really prepare you for a family funeral. It’s an incredibly emotional experience, and it’s a real burden to bear if you are the one who’s having to take charge of everything. You’ll want to make sure that everything goes as the deceased would have wished. Parents will also want to ensure that their children are doing OK. It’s a lot for everyone to deal with.
Don’t Try And Do Everything By Yourself
The first rule of dealing with a family funeral is to know when you need help. You’ve also got to ask for it and accept it. Some people find it harder than others, especially if you are that one family member who people turn to when they need emotional support. You’re not going to be able to look after anyone else if you’re not looking after yourself. Why not make a to-do list? You’ll soon be able to see whether it’s too much to handle alone. Talking to a therapist can also be a big help. Grief is a huge burden to shoulder. It can often help to go and talk to someone who is not currently involved in the whole business. [Read more…]