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These Smart Tips Will Keep Your Hips Healthy

Stop for a second and think about your hips. Isn’t it a miracle how you’re put together with no bones but your spine gluing your top and bottom halves together?

These Smart Tips Will Keep Your Hips Healthy

This complex region of the body consists of an enormous number of muscles, ligaments, tendons and meridians. When something goes awry in your core, the agony radiates through the rest of your body. Fortunately, these smart tips will keep your hips healthy.   [Read more…]

A Simple Recipe for Mindfulness: Creating a Habit of Gratitude

Mindfulness is a practice that millions of people across the globe use to create a daily routine of grounding themselves to the present and being aware or “mindful” of all the great things in their lives. Whether you’re using daily Bible meditations or practicing the “stop and breathe and appreciate” method, daily mindfulness might help reduce stress and make you feel happier.

A Simple Recipe for Mindfulness: Creating a Habit of Gratitude

If you’ve never practiced mindfulness before, don’t worry—you can start with a very simple practice of gratitude each day to reach that grounded presence you’re looking for. In this short guide, we’ll show you how to create a habit of gratitude for increased mindfulness and quality of life. Your spiritual health is intertwined with the physical and mental, so don’t neglect it!  [Read more…]

Must-Have Supplements and Vitamins For The Busy, Enterprising Mom

Moms have one of the hardest jobs – and working moms are nothing less than superheroes. That much we already know. But praise and accolades aren’t enough. What are some tools, strategies, resources, and assistance that can help moms who are managing incredible workloads and overwhelming situations?

Must-Have Supplements and Vitamins For The Busy, Enterprising Mom

This is a question that is all the more important during major public health crises – and surprise, surprise, we’re in one now! The Covid-19 pandemic has made everyone’s life harder. For parents, things have been made more stressful by the fact that schools are closed, which means that the kids are ALWAYS at home and wanting attention and entertainment. For working parents, the vast majority of whom are also working from home during this chaos, it means they are having to balance the needs of their kids and the needs of their employer or clients/customers.  [Read more…]

The Best 8 Tips to Stay Healthy This Season

The holidays have arrived — but the 2020 season promises to be like none other. With the threat of COVID-19 added to the cold and flu season, you’re wise to do whatever possible to decrease your health risks. 

The Best 8 Tips to Stay Healthy This Season

What can you do to minimize your chances of spending Christmas day bundled up in blankets, sipping chicken broth and going through tissues by the gross? Here are the best eight tips to stay healthy this season.   [Read more…]