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How To: Post-Natal Skin Care

When it comes to having a baby, you are often told which skin care products you can and can’t use during your pregnancy. But what happens after the baby is born? Are we free to return to our highly effective Retinols? Does it really matter what we put on our skin? The short answer is: absolutely, but with certain stipulations.

For Breast Feeding Mommies [Read more…]

What To Do When Your Child Is Recovering From An Injury

Injury is, unfortunately, a fact of life – particularly when it comes to children. The most common injuries to befall little ones tend to be bumped heads, cuts and grazes, and broken bones. While bumps, bruises, and bleeding knees are all fairly straightforward to care for, would you know what to do if your child had received a serious knock to the head, or broken a bone?

Sad boyPhoto credit: JON_CF on Flickr

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Looking Your Best When You Live an Active Lifestyle

woman running

We all understand that the benefits of regular exercise are far-reaching. Along with keeping our bodies healthy and looking toned and trim, working out can boost your mood, enhance your sleep patterns, and even rev up your sex life. But if you’re a regular gym-goer, you may have noticed that a strong exercise habit can come with its own aesthetic pitfalls. Here, learn how to keep your hair, breasts, and skin looking as good as the rest of your body even after years of punishing workouts.  [Read more…]

How to Eat Your Way to Better Sleep

These days in American culture, sleeping well on a regular basis has become something of a fantastic myth on par with finding the Fountain of Youth and capturing Bigfoot. While most people claim they would love to get more sleep, figuring out how to do so seems nearly impossible. Whether it’s your monster commute or the work emails that never let up, the demands of contemporary life keep many of us occupied well into the night.

How to Eat Your Way to Better Sleep [Read more…]