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7 Hacks To Help Upgrade A Bathroom Space On A Budget

A bathroom upgrade could be the last thing on your mind when cash-strapped. Luckily, simple upgrades like learning how to descale a showerhead can transform your bathroom space without spending tons of money. 

7 Hacks To Help Upgrade A Bathroom Space On A Budget

What’s more, you get to add style and function to space without a complete overhaul. Here are some ideas.  [Read more…]

How To Make Cleaning Your Home Easy

Does your dining room reek of nasty leftover grease? Does your basement or attic contain trails of clutter haphazardly sprawled on the ground? Cleaning your house is one of the necessary evils that we can’t help but do. But it doesn’t have to be as time-consuming and dreadful as it needs to be.

How To Make Cleaning Your Home Easy

Here are things you can do to make your home spotless in no time.

Clear Out Old Junk

Let’s face it: some things have been lying in our home for years and are just a sight for sore eyes. If you have a creaky bed frame in your guest room that you want to get rid of, now’s the time to do it. Grab a friend or two, and dedicate a day of moving old furniture to its rightful place: the trash. [Read more…]

7 Quick and Simple Ways to Redesign Your Bedroom

Your bedroom is your safe place. It’s where you go when you want to be alone. It’s where you go when you want to relax. It’s where you go when the stresses of life get a little too overwhelming and need some time to yourself. You spend a significant amount of time in your bedroom, and so you want your bedroom to fit your own style. But as you grow and change, so does your sense of style and you may want your bedroom to reflect that.

7 Quick and Simple Ways to Redesign Your Bedroom


Redesigning your bedroom is an exciting, yet daunting, process. But what if redecorating didn’t have to be complicated? What if you could change the whole vibe of your room by just making a few simple adjustments? You don’t have to spend a ton of time and money redesigning your room, adding simple touches will make all the difference. Here are 7 quick and simple ways to redesign your bedroom: [Read more…]

New Home – Things to Check (Before You Buy)

Buying a house is a huge step. You may have many choices in your chosen area, or you may have only one or two limited options. One thing is for sure, whatever the condition of your new home, you’re bound to uncover multiple “teething issues” the moment you actually move in. 

New Home - Things to Check (Before You Buy)

For example, you could find that on day one in your new home you instantly need answers to questions like how to remove a tree or how to clean a dryer vent (click the link to find out). That’s natural. But what about some of the more obvious things to check before you buy? [Read more…]