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How To Use Internal Flights In Europe And Tips For Travel With Kids

If you’re day dreaming of getting away with the family this summer, but don’t want to break the bank, there are lots of domestic flight options and booking tips that mean that dream may just become reality. Let the countdown to summer holidays begin!

Using Domestic Flights in Europe and Travelling With Kids


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9 Beautiful Places in California to Celebrate Life

By the time you reach 50, you know all too well that there are days when happiness comes easy — and there are days when you have to fight to achieve anything at all. Sometimes, the bad days turn into bad weeks or bad months. Still, no matter what is getting you down, you can always overcome your negative thoughts and emotions by celebrating life.

Celebrating life is more than simply living — it is appreciating your current place, valuing the people around you, and loving who you are today. You can celebrate life in small ways on even the most mundane days by taking time to mediate on your privileges, but one of the most satisfying ways to celebrate life is to explore the world and bask in places of beauty.

California is one of the most diverse and naturally picturesque states in the U.S., which makes it an excellent place to discover life’s loveliness. While you work through your bad times, you should seek out these wonderful places in California to celebrate life.

1. Alamere Falls

Though Alamere Falls isn’t as broad as Niagara Falls or as tall as Angel Falls, its placement on the coast makes this “tidefall” a rare and stunning sight. Plus, the coastal waterfall is only reachable from an 8.5-mile round-trip hike on the Coast Trail in Point Reyes, so Alamere Falls is more an enduring experience than a simple vista.

Alamere Falls [Read more…]

5 Things To Do Before You Leave Your Apartment for Vacation

Vacation season is here, and if you’re like most people, you probably can’t wait to hit the beach or begin that exciting trip abroad you’ve been daydreaming about for months. But an empty apartment can tempt burglars, or spook your landlord if he doesn’t know of your plans to go away. Before you pack your bags and hit the road, take a few simple steps to help make sure your apartment will be waiting exactly as you left it when you return.

Mailboxes [Read more…]

How To Plan A Trip To Las Vegas On A Budget

Have you ever wondered how you can plan a trip to Las Vegas and NOT spend a fortune? Are you not sure how to go about planning for your vacation this summer and still have money left? Depending on your circumstances and experience, planning a vacation to Las Vegas can seem daunting. Remember that a poorly-planned trip can be more of a headache than a relaxing vacation so be prepared.

Here are some tips to help you plan a trip to Los Vegas on a budget:

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