When you are new to looking for ways to make money at home, it might be confusing as to what home business opportunities are scams and which ones are really legitimate. If you spend money investing in a home business, you want to make sure the company you are signing up with is a reliable and legitimate company.
Legitimate Home Business Opportunities
Below is a list of different ideas on legitimate home business opportunities you can start:
- Avon – Become a representative for a company that has been around for years that people LOVE. Avon products have came a long way and are still popular among many. When you join you can get a website setup and start earning right away.
- Jamberry Nail Wraps – Make money selling those pretty nail wraps to your friends. Joining Jamberry Nails as an Independent Consultant gives you a flexible, social way to earn extra income selling a product that people are actually excited to buy.
- Kaeser & Blair Promotional Products – A flexible, risk-free opportunity selling promotional products in an industry that does over $21.5 billion in sales each year. Earn up to $20,000 annually as a part-time business owner, and up to $185,000 annually as a full-time business owner. K&B also offers a FREE Trial Launch Program, so you can try the opportunity before you fully commit.
- Scentsy – Love candles? Now you can make with something even better, Scentsy wax and warmers.
- Tupperware – Another popular company that has been around for many years with products that people want, love and buy. When you become a consultant you will be able to get a website that you can earn money with along with selling the products to your family and friends in person.
Would you like to list your home business opportunity above? If your company is NOT listed above, feel free to send an email to [email protected] for ad rates.