When I was in my early twenties I set a goal for myself that I wanted to buy a house before I turned 30. Growing up I lived most of my childhood in an apartment that my mom rented and always wanted to live in a house like some of my friends and family. Back then, I didn’t realize the costs of buying a house, let alone maintaining one. I just remember always wishing my mom had enough money to move us into a house.
Once I became an adult and was on my own, I still yearned to have a house of my own. At 22 years old I found a good job and told myself I wasn’t going to quit until I had that house I always dreamed of.
In 2005 when I was in the process of trying to buy a house I was currently renting, my grandmother passed away. I was conceived in my grandmothers house, lived there until I was in 2nd grade and didn’t want just anyone to have this house that held the memories of my childhood. I remember not really liking the house when I was a child, but it had a sentimental value and I didn’t want to give it up. At that point I decided to put a stop into buying the house I originally wanted and focused on doing what I had to do to purchase my grandmothers house.
Now almost 7 years later you will find me in my grandmother’s house, just now it is mine! I will admit there are days that I wished I NEVER bought this house and I will tell you why!
- When I was just a renter, I wasn’t responsible when things decided to break or go wrong.
- When I was a renter, I didn’t have to pay for water or to flush the toilet.
- When I was a renter, I had the option to leave and find more homes to rent when I got bored.
- When I was a renter, I didn’t have to buy my own appliances such as a stove, oven and fridge.
But being a homeowner still has it’s benefits.
- When I am loud, I don’t have to worry about the neighbor calling my landlord or property maintenance.
- When I want to change the color of my room, I just have to go buy the paint and get to work.
- When I think about the future, I know I have a home that I can raise my children in.
- When it comes to filing taxes, I do have some write offs since I am self employed.
So while there are days when I hate this house, for the most part I am happy that I bought it!
Thinking about purchasing a house? Be sure to read “Before You Buy a Home – Look at Eight Reasons to Buy a Home“.
I think its awesome you have your grandmothers house!! I hear you on the maintenance stuff though, seems everything breaks at the same time too!
You’re so lucky. I totally understand how sentimental you feel and how you must love your home. Yay for you!
Great post! We bought out house almost three years ago. And while, we are ready to upgrade already, just having spend the last few years putting our money towards an investment is much better then giving it to someone else for rent!
Love this post. I agree it is so hard with maintenance but I love the sentiment of having your grandmas home!
I hated renting and I’m so glad we have a beautiful home to call our own.
I agree with all those points! It’s got both good and bd. I think the tax stuff is worth it π
I glad you bought your grandmother’s house. There is something about sentiment that you can’t put a price on. This will be something that you can share with your children for years to come.
I bought my first house in 2005, I am now 30 and waiting for the foreclosure to go through. I think that when we set goals on a specific age rather than best circumstances we may end up in a bad situation. Although, I have no issues with my house being taken because we outgrew it — I bought it as a single mom of one and now I have two adults and three kids living in the home I grew up in. I keep fingers crossed daily that this land and home will be signed over to me by my Mom but she isn’t so sure yet. She keeps wanting to sell it and get biggest profit and if that’s the case my kids and I may need to move again. I always wanted my kid to grow up in a house not apartment, because I grew up in a house and apartments don’t always have a yard for kids to play on.
I’m glad that you got your grandmother’s house! We are renting property out in the country and love it! We still own our old house and renting/owning both have pros and cons as we have found. π