I don’t know about you, but as it gets closer to December I can’t but think more about the 2012 phenomenon and what just might happen on December 21, 2012. I honestly am scared to read about it and even refused to watch that movie “2012” that came out a few years ago. This leaves me to wondering how many of you have some sort of emergency food supply in case of a disaster.
I do currently have a food pantry where I store can foods and other box type foods that we use on a regular basis. I don’t have an emergency food supply just yet, but I have been definitely thinking of creating one. Sometimes it is better to be safe than sorry.
For those of you wanting to create an emergency food supply or maybe a long term food storage, here is a list of some of the things you might want to add:
- Wheat
- Beans
- Rice
- Canned foods
- Peanut butter
- Salt and other seasonings
- Oatmeal
- Honey or sugar
- Dried milk
The items above are just some suggestions for foods for survival and should be tailored to your needs of course. There of course are other types of emergency kits that don’t include food that you might want to have on hand too!
So my question to you is are you prepared for an emergency?
Is this your stockpile of food? Impressive. I stockpile for fear of losing one of our jobs, being able to help family members that are short of food and for peace of mind. I also have a supply of water. Just last week my son was going to a new job site out of state and was going to stay with a family member that has a big heart and little food, I had him stop by here and I loaded him with with enough food for all of them for two weeks. Taking care of my family is why I stockpile.
Nope- not at all.
I am not prepared at all. I do have a Water Filter system but I need to get on the ball and create an emergency food supply.
Funny that I came across your article. I don’t think there is anything to the December date, however, nothing is certain. I do feel like we should be prepared as much as we can for our families -= and that becomes our jobs as moms. I always have a stocked pantry. When my husband lost his job a while ago, we didn’t have to go to the grocery store for 3 months for items other than fresh produce and dairy – it really helped us out to have a stocked pantry. I am thinking more that I should stockpile other items like you have listed above and really need to consider the first aid type things. We are also going to get a manual pump so that we can have fresh water any time too.
I do not, we usually stock up though when we get a hurricane warning.
I was stocked a bit for Y2K but since that was a fiasco, I’ve ignored every warning since. Hope it doesn’t bite me in the butt!