I happen to be one of those lucky moms with 3 beautiful daughters. Of those three, I have a teen and a tween and one that will be 8 next month and on her way to be a tween before I know it. I have recently became a U By Kotex Mom Ambassador too and I am PROUD!
My poor husband! Of the 4 females in the house, 3 of us have our lovely period each month.Β Before our daughters started our period, they were prepared and knew what to expect. We are one of those families that keep it real with our children and don’t try to sugar coat things that don’t need to be. For me, I would rather then be prepared then to not be prepared. I started my period in 7th grade during PE. Luckily I knew what to expect and had always thought I wanted to make sure that my kids were prepared in case they were to start their period at school like I did.
Take a peek at Aimee Teegarden’s Gets Real Video for Kotex.
I just LOVE this video because Aimee is so supportive ofΒ her mom being straight forward with her about everything in life. That is how I feel when it comes to my children. Over the years the world has definitely changed and I want my kids to always be prepared, be themselves and be ready for the challenges of the world.
What I didn’t know until recently is that some girls start their period as early as 8 years old. Since my youngest daughter will be turning 8 in a month, I am now thinking that maybe mom needs to sit down and have the “girl talk” with her. She is only going into the third grade, but doesn’t really know too much about what a menstrual period is. I am sure she has heard of pads and tampons because of her sisters and I, but I don’t think she understands what it is all about.
I happen to be totally EXCITED about becoming a U By Kotex Mom Ambassador. These products happen to be something that I happen to buy for my daughters and a brand that I am proud to support. Not only do they have some cool colored packaging for their pads and tampons for our tweens, Kotex has been a brand that has been around for almost 100 years.
For more information on the Kotex Tween products, visit: www.kotex.com/tween
Stay tunes for more Kotex related posts coming soon!
βI wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.β
Kotex is a brand I really like. I think it’s so great that you’re keeping your daughters informed. So many young girls get confused and scared/embarrassed when their period starts and they have no idea what happened or what to do because no one explained this basic body function to them.
I really like Kotex. However, I’m not excited about having to have this conversation with my daughter…
Congrats on being an ambassador! I’m glad to hear you are excited about it and look forward to your future posts.
I’m a Kotex mom too. And I’m talking with my 7 year of about it. I started my period at 10 :0(
I’m a Kotex mom too. And I’m talking with my 7 year of about it. I started my period at 10 :0(
The U by Kotex web site has the most helpful information!
Very cool. I’m not a Kotex mom, yet, I still have many years to go but I’m a Kotex user, always have been and it’s the brand I’ll choose when my daughter *Shutter* starts her period.
I think as much as it’s the best thing to do to be open, it’s also HARD for many women to be open with their daughters when their own moms were not open with them. I know my “talk” consistest of an awkward moment in which I cut my mother off and said “Mom, I already know” and she breathed a relieved sigh and let it go at that… but the fact is I DIDN’T already know, I just didn’t want to hear it from HER! π So… I got a lot of misinformation when I was a teen… Also… how do you tell the BOYS about this sensitive time in a girl’s life – I will have 2 boys (years away from ‘the talk’) and want to handle that right too! π
I think it is so important to talk to our girls about this change in their lives. I didn’t have “the talk” so was rather scared when it happened. Kotex is the only brand I’ve used in all my life! Congrats:)
I think these resources are fabulous! I remember my mom talking to me about my period and how scared I was and how awkward it was – this information is so helpful! Hopefully I will have a girl that I can use it with one day!
I really do love kotex and the new Tween products are great. I’m just not so excited about having this conversation with my 7 year old
I love that my mom prepared me so well, too! And I have two sisters, so there were times of the month when the guys in my family knew to stay clear, LOL π
I wish they had these when I was a kid! The colors are so fun. I’m glad this mom-daughter conversation is a few years away of me. π
Congrats on becoming an ambassador! I have a son, so this is one talk I won’t have to give.
Great post – my mom didn’t really give me much of a “talk,” so I’m definitely all for doing it with my daughter so she doesn’t end up confused like me!
Love that there’s help to make this situation easier. I’m a LOYAL Kotex user myself as well!
Congrats!! I still have a while to go before my little goes through this!