When it comes to watching shows on the TV, you will mostly find me watching some sort of reality show. One of my favorite channels just happens to be the Oxygen channel because I love the variety of shows I can always find. I LOVE the Oxygen Channel so much that I am willing to pay extra fee on my cable bill each month just so I can have access to the channel.
This past week while watching my shows on the Oxygen Channel, I seen a commercial a couple times for a new TV series called I’m Having Their Baby. This new show that premieres Monday, July 23 at 11 PM EST is about different women that are giving up their children for adoption. The first time this commercial came on, it grabbed my attention and I knew I wanted to watch it. This new show is a 6 part series that will follow 2 pregnant women each episode that is dealing with the life changing decision they are about to experience. Each episode is an hour long that and will let viewers learn about the adoption process as well as get to know the birth mothers and in some episodes you will get to see the birth fathers and adoptive families.
Since I had my first daughter was only 20, I do know some of the fears that women get when they are pregnant, especially at a young age. Adoption was never something I considered with my pregnancies, but I did have thoughts of adopting a boy after having two daughters and a desire to have a son. I was blessed and my son came unexpectedly a few years later and had he not, I might have considered looking towards adopting a son.
I am one of those moms that like watching that show Teen Mom, so know I look forward to watching this new series. I even have it set to record on my DVR so I don’t miss anything. From the clips that I have seen, it looks like this is going to be a really good series to watch.
Interesting facts you might not know (Source: The Adoption Option Report)
- 6 million women each year get pregnant
- 3 million of those were not planned
- 14,000 of those babies are placed for adoption each year
- Only 1/4 of women who choose adoption are under the age of 20
Oxygen’s new show, I’m Having Their Baby will be premiering on Monday, July 23 at 11/10c. You will also want to take part in the OxygenLive chat on July 23, 2012 at 11PM EST that will be happening at www.OxygenLive.com. This live chat will be moderated by Liz Zack, iVillage’s Editorial Director for Pregnancy and Parenting. I will be participating in this chat and I hope to see you there too! You can also find I’m Having Their Baby on Facebook and Twitter.
My thoughts about adoption – I personally think that states should impose a law that requires a waiting period between childbirth and the time that the women places consent to place her child for adoption. Giving your child up for adoption under any circumstance is a life changing event for both the mother and the child and I feel that birth mothers should have at least 72 hours to make their final decision.
What are your thoughts? Do you think their should be a waiting period or a certain time frame that should be allowed to the birth mothers to allow them to change their mind? Note: By answering this question in a comment below, you will also have the option to enter to win a $100 Visa Gift Card by using the Rafflecopter below:
The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely that of the blog owners. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. I received compensation in order facilitate this post.
thats an iffy question, cause i feel that its sort of the right things to do to let the MOTHER be able to hold and be with HER OWN child, but at the same time what if she decides she doesnt want to give him/her up… the family that just set their hearts on finally having a child, now they cant. i think adoption is amazing though, especially considering some people choose abortion. i think adoption is a strong choice, especially if the mother goes through with it.
I am like you and do not think that give up a baby for adoption…I would find a way to make it work. As far as changing their mind, it can be heartwrenching from both views. The mother suddenly decides she wants to keep the baby and then the adoptive parents are totally heartbroken. Or if the mother doesn’t have the option of changing her mind, the pain that she must live with if she feels she made the wrong decision. It’s so hard to say…I would say that maybe the mother should have a week to change her mind, but that it be made very clear to the adoptive parents of this time period, and to not get their hopes up.
Hmm, great question! I definitely think a waiting period should be allowed but I don’t know about mandatory. I can’t really say because I’ve never been in that situation, so I really think it should be the discretion of the birth mother. For mothers that go through with the adoption, a waiting period might just make it more painful. It’s really tough on adoptive parents when they end up not being able to adopt a child, so I think if a birth parent opts to have a waiting period to change her mind they should have maybe less involvement from the potential adoptive parents before the birth so they don’t get as hurt. It’s a very big decision and a very difficult one, and since each situation is so different I think each mother should have the choice to do whatever is best for her circumstances.
And by the way, I totally love reality shows too!! Did you ever see “Find My Family”? That’s a great one too!
Hmmm I don’t know. They have 9 months to make the decision. There could be many reasons why you just never know. If they have that “bonding” time and then decide it isn’t right, but later on decide it was right, things can just get messy. It’s a decision for those who are having the baby. This sounds like a good series I’m going to DVR it now so I don’t forget!
I think maybe a waiting period when the child is not with them perhaps in a foster care situation and if the time is reasonable but not a ‘change your mind’ AFTER the child is placed for adoption. After all, they have had the whole pregnancy to decide .
I think that there should be an option to have a waiting period, but it shouldn’t be forced. If a woman is totally sure that it is the best choice and she doesn’t want to be forced to bond then she shouldn’t have to. However, I think it’s a great option if a birth mother is unsure.
I am very excited to see this show-adoption does so many wonderful things for so many people!!
I think that once a decision is made then that is the decision. I understand that the birth mother has feelings, but so do the expected parents to be.
I was also 20 when I had my son & while I didn’t consider adoption {I was already engaged & our life was pretty solid, especially for our age} I was asked about it a lot. I’m looking forward to seeing this show & seeing those who DID choose to do it &how differently things could have gone.
This show looks really interesting to me! I’m sure there will be some tender moments.
I think that is a really hard question. I do think the mother needs a chance to hold the miracle in her arms and then make the decision. But at the same time I wonder about it being harder for the child to find a home if adoption isn’t figured out sooner.
It is hard to have a real opinion on this topic since I have never been in this situation. However, think moms should have some period in which they can change their mind. That said, that time period should be well-defined for all parties because a grey area makes for a roller coaster for the adoptive parents who are trying to build a family. So I think I agree with you 🙂
Looks like an interesting show for sure. I’ve never been on either end of that situation so can’t really know what it would be like but realize it must be very emotional for both families.
I’m happy to see this topic brought up.
I have an adoption experience & it’s been very positive.
The show sounds great!
Thank you.
Perspectives from both sides, emotional and yet brave woman and families! I don’t have any ties to adoption, but I would consider adopting if I had a problem with conception or if a life changing event happened. So excited to see the show
This sounds like a very interesting show, but unfortunately, we don’t get their network.
great giveaway! i’m really interested in watching this show, I’m definitely going to check it out!
This show looks really interesting.
[email protected]
Wow that’s a tough question. And I see both sides but Im leaning towards not letting them get that option, because I know its hard for the adoptive parents to get their child and worry about him or her being taken away from them
I think its really interesting to see how is the process of the biological moms but I think they have 9 months to decide and they shouldn’t change their mind after the birth.
i cant wait to see this show, truly amazing, my aunt was adopted after my grandma had 7 boys!!! she finally was able to get the daughter she had wanted. I have a friend with turner syndrome that was able to adopt a boy, just by talking openly about wanting a baby, a co workers girlfriend gave up her baby she did not want to my friend. adoption is extremely important, i just wish the system was a little easier and cheaper
Good question. I do think there should be some kind of “cool down” period after the birth but I don’t think it should be mandatory. It’s tough because I know after I gave birth there were all sorts of hormonal issues and feelings I had directly because of just having given birth, so maybe the signing of the “official” papers should be at least 6 weeks after the birth so that the woman has a chance to recover from the birth and hormones and make a rational decision.
Looks like an interesting show
T show seems like a real tear jerker> i’ll check it out!
Awesome giveaway. This show looks amazing! Can’t wait
I think the waiting time is a good idea. raging hormones are enough to deal with right after childbirth. A woman needs some time to recoup a little before making such a life altering decision.
i think it should be optional but encouraged.
I definitely think there should be a waiting period, like you said, 72 hours or so for them to make their final decision. You don’t know the feeling of being a mother until you actually hold your baby for the first time.
I think that once the decision is made it should be permanent. Counseling should be a big part of the process before and after the decision is made.
I think people need to make up their own mind
That is a tough question. I remember seeing a show, I think Primetime or 20/20 where a birth mother changed her mind wanted her kid back and judge agreed with the birth mother. The child was at least 2 years old. The news team went to the house. The little girl was totally torn up and not understanding what was going on. She didn’t know her birth mother. Her adoptive parents hearts were breaking. It was terrible. I think if there is a time period, it should be very short. I think this is why some couples don’t even want to adopt because they may care for a child and love this child as their own, only to have the child ripped from their arms, their hearts broken.
I definitely think there should be a waiting period in case the birthmom changes her mind.
my cousin was adopted and is a true family member
The show looks very interesting and I am sure giving a baby up for adoption would be one of the hardest things for a woman to do.
I think a waiting period is a good idea but I don’t think we should invite our governments to legislate it. And I do think the waiting period should be short for the sake of all involved, especially the child. The baby needs the opportunity to bond early and well with whomever its parents are going to be.
I think that there should be a waiting period for these mothers that are choosing to give up their babies for adoption! Anything that can be done to make sure that any mother is making the right decision should be done. Anyone who is going through the process of giving up their child is torn between wanting to keep the child and giving the baby up! We need to do all that we can during this difficult time for these mothers.
This show sounds like it’s going to be so emotional. I don’t know if I could put a child up for adoption. It would really be a hard decision, but knowing it would be for the best interest of the child, makes it even a harder decision.
Thank you for sharing this great giveaway
I think there should be a waiting time period for birth mothers. This is a huge decision and the mother should be fully aware of what she is doing. After she gives birth her she is likely to be emotional and I think she should be allowed to take her baby home and then decide to give her baby up.
I think you have to look at both sides of this. I can’t even imagine having to make the decision about placing a child for adoption but as a person that has considered adopting – I think is it a wonderful gift and it is such a process.
Adoption creates a family and I know of Two very loving families that were created due to adoption.
I have not seen this show yet.
Yes, as hard as it would be for the adoptive parents I think there should be.
Sounds like an interesting show about adoption to watch.
I am definitely looking forward to watching this show. I already have it set to record.
it’s the hardest but kindest thing a mother could do considering the circumstances.
i don’t know much about the adoption process so this show could be interesting to watch
sounds interesting I would love to watch
thanks for the amazing giveaway!
Sounds like a great show and this is a hard one to give an opinion on. I can see where something like a 72 hour period to change your mind might be a good idea, but don’t agree with a mandatory waiting period.
Thats a tough question because I think that it would be awful for the parents who are adopting to have their hearts broken at the very last minute but on the other hand when you carry a child for nine months there’s just an unspoken bond
Thanks for the giveaway!
This show sounds interesting. I would like to watch it
My brother-in-law and his wife have adopted two babies. I would never give up my child for adoption, but would consider adopting a baby.
I don’t think there should be a mandatory waiting period. It might really be in the child’s best interest to be placed for adoption and if the mother is required to wait, she may bond with the child and decide to keep it and then later regret her decision and the child could end up stuck in a horrible environment.
Hope this show isn’t too exploitive
dont think this is the type of show that I would watch on TV
thanks for the great giveaway
I think a 3 day period would be good, just like buying house or car = major decisions
im looking forward to seeing this show
I am interested in seeing this show. I think a lot of people might be largely unaware at exactly how the adoption process works. I have recently gained custody of my nephew and we may be considering adoption down the road.
I am looking forward to seeing this show.
Yes, I think there should be a waiting period, but I am not sure how long it should be because in a matter of days the child starts bonding.
thanks for the giveaway…have a great weekend everyone!
when i was young i had a baby. I kept thinking that i could not provide for her since i could not provide for my self. i met a couple at the church who could not have children. They had so much more to offer her so i let them adopt her. I am so sure that she had a better life than i could have given her.
yes, there definitely should be a 90 day waiting period debbie jackson,
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I would never give up my child for adoption but I understand that some women are not in a situation where they should be having/raising a child.
This is such a tough question-I keep ‘putting myself’ on both sides. I would agree with a waiting period, but not if the adoptive parents already had the baby-even to loose the child after a day or two would be heartbreaking, I also agree with what another commenter said that the child could end up in a poor environment when there’s a loving & capable home awaiting. I know emotions run high after giving birth and i can easily see how a scared and overwhelmed mom could change her mind once she sees her baby, suddenly all of the obstacles she feared wouldn’t seem as difficult and she could become a wonderful mother. I don’t think anyone can really give a 100% for sure answer until one of us is in the shoes of either side.
I think there should be a waiting period, a new baby is such a life changing event.
Sounds like a good show in terms of showing the perspective of what mothers go through when adopting their children to another family. I’m planning on watching this. I have a good friend who is adopted and she is very happy being a part of her adopted family. As far as a waiting period, I think there should be one, but not too long of a time, because people need to move forward with their lives, but mother’s rights need to be protected too.
Thanks for the great giveaway
Thanks for the giveaway. I really can’t wait until this show starts. I love watching things like this.
This show should be interesting.
definitely interested in seeing the show, but still cringing on the inside. Hope they do follow ups a few years after, on both side and the child
The show sounds intersting, so I think I’ll watch 🙂
It looks like an interesting show, but too heartbreaking for me to watch.
Thanks for the opportunity
Sounds like an interesting show
I really want to watch this tv show!
this looks like an interesting show
My life has not been touched by adoption. Although it is a noble act of love, I just hope that no children would ever be in such situations.
I don’t plan on watching the show, not a fan of reality tv
I think it would be and interesting show.
I want to watch this show!
I don’t think there should be a waiting period. I think the waiting period was the nine months. I think the choice is hard enough to make let alone being forced to wait. I know enough people who had to make the choice and it wasn’t made lightly.
I think the waiting period should only be a couple days.
Looking forward to seeing this show, thanks for the giveaway
I can”t wait to watch this show. My niece is adopted. 🙂
My niece and nephews are adopted and and it’s been an awesome experience. Can’t wait to watch other peoples stories.
I think there should be a waiting period but I am not sure how long. Seems like there is a point where the person can’t / shouldn’t be able to Change their mind
This show looks very emotionally gripping and interesting. I will most likely watch
kport207 at gmail dot com
I forgot what the question was, I have a friend who has been a surragate mom, its doesnt bother me.
This looks like it’s going to be a very interesting show. I will be watching!!
Thank you for offering this giveaway. I agree with you. There should be a waiting period of at least 2 days.
I would totally love to win!
I don’t think there should be a waiting period. If she has made that decision to give up her child (or “they” to give up their child), I don’t think she should be able to change her mind. I just think there are some decisions that cannot be undone. I believe in 2nd, and 3rd, and 4th chances, but this is a big decision that she/they had about 9 months to make.
Obviously I don’t have all the answers, but this is my opinion today.
might watch it if i remember when it’s on (yeah 23rd)
wont be able to watch, we dont have cable
i agree that they should have time to make the decision. adoption is wonderful, yet a life changing event.
Thanks so much for the giveaway! [email protected]
Thank you for the giveaway!
I think I am going to give this one a try! I hope they pick normal people for the show and not ones that are over the top!
a very unselfish act
Looks like it will be an interesting show.
Adoption is good. My grandson was adopted
I think once the decision is made it should be final
yes I think it is beautiful that someone would give up there child, but sometimes you want your child to have a better life, and there are women who can not get pregnant, so it can be a blessing for someone else. i know someone who was adopted, and they have a loving family. I look forward to seeing the show.
One of my Brothers adopted his oldest Son. Adoption is wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time. I don’t get the Oxygen Channel, but if I did, I would watch this show.
this looks like it may be a heart wrenching show to watch….very emotional.
This show looks very good ! Can not wait to watch !
I think that there *is* a specific period of time when birth mothers can change their minds, but of course I could be wrong. I can’t even fathom what might be involved emotionally when a mother gives up her child, so there should definitely be an adequate safety net for them.
Leave a comment on this post!
hello world
I don’t think there should be an opportunity for the birth mother to change her mind. Once she agrees to the adoption, it seems like it would be best for everyone to move forward. It would be so devastating for the adoptive parents.
I think it is a very selfless act of love to give up your baby for adoption.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
In my opinion, this show seems very exploitative to all parties involved.
I believe this show will show the compassion and the pain that goes along with giving up your child for adoption and also the parent or parents bringing a child that is not biologically theirs in their home.
This is a very unique awareness project. Such a scary thought for me.
Adoption takes a lot of courage.
I’m not sure. I mean 9 months is a pretty good waiting period to begin with. But, they say the birthing process changes everything. Some cases, it might be best. But probably not in most cases.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
I don’t know, I understand a waiting period but at the same time if you have a couple paying your expenses and supporting you through your pregnancy and there is an adoption agreement, and then the mom backs out, I can’t imagine that either
I cannot wait for this show to start on Monday. Until today I had never heard of it. I believe women and especially teenage girls should watch this show. This show actually shows everything that is sad for the mother but happy for the couple adopting the child.
I will defintely be tuning in to check out this show.
I honestly think it would be really hard to give a baby up for adoption. I think it”s so wonderful that there is women out there who do that. I’m so grateful for them.
I do not know if there should be a waiting period or not.
Thanks for the contest.
I would agree that an imposed waiting period as you suggest would be good. But, I think that after that waiting period, it should be final. I think it is so injurious to a child to be forced to be taken from the family it feels is their own. It is heartbreaking for the mother, but still, the baby/child is more important.
A family member adopted a Ethiopian boy! Adoption is such a blessing!
I cant wait to see the show . My cousin was adopted and I’m so glad she’s in my life.
i’m not much for reality tv- i think it exploits and sensationalizes. i do think that adoption is an amazing gift for adoptive parents and i hope that some positive light is shed onto the whole adoptive process as a result of this show
I do think there should be some sort of wait period. It really is a huge decision for a mother to make.
I think adoption is a wonderful thing! We have several adopted cousins in our family!!
Awesome story:)
Thanks for the chance at this:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
I think if there is a waiting period, the baby should be placed in temporary foster care until the final decision is made – no extra pressure on the mother to keep the baby & the adoptive parents don’t feel the severe loss of having to give the baby back.
Adoption can be good but, it also, has it bad points too. You have to look at both sides and have been there. I have. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep and hope to win 🙂 Thanks !!!!!!!!!
It’s tough on both sides, but I don’t think you should have a time period to reconsider. Once it’s done, let it be done.
I do not know of any state in which there is not a waiting period for the biological mother to change her mind about allowing her child to be adopted. That is why adoptions are not final for several months after the child is placed. The only time this is not true, as far as I know, is when the parental rights have been terminated by court order. But I also believe that the biological parents should not be able to take a child from the only home he/she has known several years down the road. I cannot believe that is in the ‘interests of the child’.
Yes I do believe in a waiting period…….but once it’s done it’s done.
Adoption is a very unselfish act that affects the rest of many lives.
I don’t think there should be a waiting period. The people adopting the child should be protected from heartache if a mother changes her mind.
great idea for a show
[email protected]
This show looks to be very emotionally charged and hard to watch because of the subject matter.
Looks like a good show!
I think a waiting period to finalize the decision is a good thing, as long as both the birth parents and adoptive parents are in agreement. The show sounds like could be quite intense and emotional – I’m looking forward to catching the first episode!
I don’t watch reality TV because most of it is trash but I like to watch documentary-type shows. If this was set up as more of a documentary with no bias, I’d watch it.
I think anything regarding the adoption process should be discussed between the birth mother and the adoptive parents so that they can agree on everything before the baby comes.
I have confused feelings about adoption. On one hand I think it’s great that there are people who are willing to give a child a home. On the other I think about how the biological mother will feel during & after the pregnancy… it makes me a little sad. But it’s all for the benefit of the child.
I think they should, their are so many times where the parent(s) sees the child for the first time and all of a sudden realize they actually want to keep the baby. But at the same time, they should have a firm decision made when it comes to adoption, because this would be devastating to the adoptive parents who’ve been looking forward to their new little one.
There should be a brief period, maybe a week.
This sounds like an interesting show to watch.
Sounds fascinating!
My oldest grandson is adopted so this is a subject near and dear to my heart.
This sounds like a great show, but heart wrenching.
A waiting period would be very appropriate. People do make decisions they later regret when under pressures of the moment.
brich22 at earthlink dot net
When I got pregnant, I first thought that adoption was my only option, since keeping the child never even crossed my mind. I was in a very bad situation, but I just couldn’t imagine having a child and not seeing him. While I didn’t go in that direction, I really respect women who do. They’re putting the needs of the child before their own, and helping out a family who wants a child.
It’s such a difficult and personal decision. It’s hard to say.
I can not wait to see this
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I don’t know if I could give up a child, but I’ve never been in a situation where I was forced to make such a decision. I admire anyone who has done it. I do know many families who would love to have a child and can’t and that breaks my heart.
I would really hope that a show like this will let others know that there is another choose out there than abortion.
This looks like a very interesting show. I am interested.
I cannot wait for this to air, I think it will open peoples eyes up.
It sounds interesting. I don’t know how I feel about a certain period of time for them to change their minds. I think that if you’re willing to give the child up, then you should be sure about it from the beginning.
I would be interested in watching this show to find out more about a birth mother’s perspective on adoption.
I missed your question and I think that the mother should have at least a day or two to decide.
I give any mom alot of credit in giving up their child in hopes for a better life for the child’s
I think adoption is a wonderful thing and its great if you dont think you can raise your baby and give it all it needs to give it to someone who loves kids and can provide for them
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com
I can’t wait to check this show out!
I think a waiting period would be good.
As a mom of two, I instantly bonded with my kids the minute I found out I was pregnant. I can only imagine how difficult it is to give up your child but I dont think you should be able to change your mind. It’s not fair to the mom who is adopting the baby
Thanks for the giveaway!
It will be interesting to see the other side of the adoption story
Giving one’s child up for adoption is a tough, brave decision. Have a dear friend who adopted 18 years ago and he is going to university in the Fall. Wonderful story.
sounds like a interesting show
this is my comment…. HELLO! I’d love to win!
I am a cousin to an adopted girl who turned out quite the young lady and successful!
i’m not sure how i feel about a waiting period. i kind of feel like you should be sure by the time you have the baby. the other family involved has had their world on hold because the natural mother agreed to it.
although i do see how after having the baby, a mom would be heart-flooded with emotion. tough to really call it.
We have tried adopting but the cost was outrageous. I can afford to clothes, feed, school, and love a child, but I can’t afford the adoption fees. No wonder the adoption homes are full. That is why the wealthy have no problem and get a child quickly.
My parents were foster parents for babies who had been given up for adoption, back when there was no such thing as open adoptions, and the babies lived with foster families for six weeks until the mother could sign away her rights, new parents didn’t get them until after that. Adoption has really changed!
Yes, the new mother should be allowed at least 3 days, not only for her own peace of mind but for the baby’s sake: This allows the child to get the immunities/antbodies needed from the mother’s breast milk( which can be pumped, if the mother doesn’t wish to breastfeed)
I can’t imagine having to make the decision to give a baby away. However, I think that in many cases it is absolutely the best thing for the baby and the mom. It’s a very personal decision.
this ought to be an interesting show.
I dont know,this is such a personnel subject
A waiting period would be good.
Thank you for the opprtunity to win, I appreciate it !
we have several family members adopted into our family and have been blessed by their lives being forever entwined with ours.
This seems like a very interesting & emotional show!
This sounds like a great show and I’ll be watching. 🙂
Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com
A waiting period is a great idea. It might prevent the scenario where the birth mother decides months later that she wants the child back.
i dont know a waiting period doesnt seem fair to the adopting parents and if the birthmother changes her mind there are 2 heart broken parents
Thanks for the giveaway.
I think this show is a great idea. A lot of people don’t understand the reasoning behind giving up their baby and this will show them!
I don’t think there should be a waiting period. I’ve seen stories about birth mothers changing their minds and wanting the baby back but that is just so unfair to the adoptive parents. Usually the birth mother has given a lot of thought to giving up the baby and knows she’s not able to give the baby as good a life as most adoptive parents can, so to change her mind doesn’t change her situation.
It is a very hard decision but what is best for the child should be the main consideration. A child should be wanted and loved and if the mom cant do that then it is positive to go the route of adoption. There are so many people that want kids so it is a good solution.
A baby changes everything, so yes, I absolutely think there should be at least a few days after childbirth, for the mother to decide.
Should be an interesting show!! There’s nothing they won’t do for reality tv 😉
I think adoption is a wonderful option for birth mothers, although it would have to be terribly hard for them.
This show is gonna be compelling!
Honestly that’s a hard question to answer, I am completely neutral seeing that I feel both parties have rights.
I am getting the kleenex ready for this show…
There are waiting periods but they vary from state to state. I think there should be at least a 48 hour waiting period.
Adoption is a big part of my life because that is how my family was formed.
reejen at comcast dot net
I admire these women for putting their stories out there. Adoption is such a personal thing to go through.
I think a time frame for the mother to change her mind would be appropriate. Sometime you don’t know what you want until you don’t have it.
I think it could be a very interesting show and much nicer than something like teen moms!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I think this is going to be a very touching program.
great giveaway and site. thanks for the chance to win
I don’t personally have any experience with adoption, but I have friends who have adopted, and it has always seemed like a very positive experience on their side.
Im for adoption.
I think its a wonderful thing. I think mothers should be allowed 48 hours, not 72.
I think that yes, it hard for the mother to give up her child, but what about the hopeful new parents
there to adopt the baby?
Its heartbreaking, I watched my sister go through that.
Not my type of show
I agree with a waiting period. It is the biggest decision of one’s life..and seeing your child for the first time may cause different emotions.
This is such a heart wrenching decision for the moms and can be a heart breaking experience for the adoptive parents too if the adoption doesn’t go through maybe if they give the birth mom some time with the baby before making the final decision that would help but I truly am not sure. It would have to be up to the mom if she would even want that.
Hello, how are you? Thank you for this opportunity. Adoption and surrogacy are important issues worth watching.
i want to watch it
Yes, this is a really big decision for new mom’s to have to make. I think it should really be heavily thought out.
I’ve never thought about whether there should be a waiting period until you asked. I can see both sides of this. I know emotions run high immediately after the baby is born and it’s not the best time to be making big decisions like that, but at the same time, the adoptive family is sitting there in limbo while you decide. If there was protection for both sides somehow, I think it would be good to have a waiting period.
This should be an interesting show coming from the perspective of the parent that gives the child up instead of from the view of the parent adopting the child.
I am sure a lot of the females will enjoy this!
I have a feeling this show will make me cry…well, like a baby. I hate to cry!
I think the pregnancy is a long enough waiting period. Think of the couple who has waited years for this and spent time bonding with the baby they thought was theirs.
This sounds like a really good show.
I think this sounds like a good show for people on the fence about adoption
Thanks for the giveaway…my wife is watching the show !
This show should provoke some deep discussions! Adoption is a complex issue that elicits strong feelings.