When I was a teenager I NEVER thought I would have a family that included four children. Growing up I was an only child which meant I didn’t have to share my toys with any brothers or sisters. I remember thinking that when I grew up, I only wanted to have one child that I would be able to spoil that wouldn’t have to share their things either. My thinking must have changed because I am the proud mom of 4 children who are always keeping me on my toys.
My daughters are ages 15, 13 and 8. I then have a 4 year old son. One thing I have found throughout the years of being a mom is that these kids need good quality time spent with them. Quality time with the family, individually and sometimes time with just the GIRLS. See the picture below of my daughters smiling.
They were smiling until their very active brother wouldn’t cooperate for the picture.
There are days that the girls just want to spend some time with mom and not their silly brother. So sometimes the little guy will go over to his Nana’s house while me and the girls go watch a movie or something fun. There are also days when I need to spend some one on one time with each of my children. I have noticed that the little outings that I do individually with my children are the times they talk about the most.
With my daughters, individual time with mom can be important. I have found when I pick them up at school and I am by myself, they like to tell things they normally wouldn’t mention around the whole family or maybe around dad. Like the days they start their period at school and might have had to ask a friend for a pad and were embarrassed. I have two daughters that have already started their period which hasn’t been a fun experience for either of them.
My youngest daughter just recently turned eight years old. I also recently learned that girls can have their period as young as eight. Now that I have that knowledge, I have been preparing in my head what I am going to say to my daughter so she is prepared before it actually happens. I started my period when I was in junior high at school and remember having to go to the office to ask the nurse for some help, so embarrassing!
I think I am almost prepared. I have plans to talk to my daughter at a time when the rest of the family isn’t around to make her feel embarrassed. I know she has heard of her sisters or me talk about tampons or pads, but I don’t think she knows any of the details just yet. I plan to take her on a mom-daughter date and include a discussion about what periods are and what those pad thing are that her sisters complain about. I want to allow her to ask questions and I want to be able to tell her what she needs to know. I am also going to let her know her sisters are already prepared so she can go to them for help if mom isn’t around or maybe if she feels more comfortable talking to them about something in particular.
Sometimes I wish my kids would stay young forever!
What is neat is the Kotex Tween line of products for those that have daughters that have already started their period.
Kotex has a neat feminine product line called the U by Kotex Tween that includes different pads and liners designed for the young ladies in pretty and colorful packaging. For more helpful information about having the First Period Talk, be sure to visit: www.kotex.com
“I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”
I wish my mom had handled that talk less awkwardly.She made it seem so taboo and weird. I made sure not to do that with my kids. I think it’s easier nowadays with the great resources available.
Your girls are so pretty! The little one looks just like you!
This is one talk that is definitely good to be prepared for at almost any age. It sounds like you have a good plan.
I actually checked out the U by Kotex products. They are super cute. I love that they are a good size for littler bodies- I can’t imagine something that fits me being a good fit for my daughter at 7, 8, 9, 10 or whatever!
I was an only child too! I love how you talk about taking time out to spend with each child, that’s so important. Even though it was just my parents and I, we always had quality time together as a family and also one-on-one, so I got to have girl time with my mom and bond with my dad over our comic book collection, lol. That was so important for us as a family and when there’s several children then of course it’s even more important. You’re doing a great job with your adorable family! PS, I totally use the girly Kotex products myself, haha.
I’m an only child too. Sounds like you are doing a great job with your girls! I’m a little nervous with a new baby coming since I’ll have two kids. Sibling dynamics are out of my league.
I was really young, only in elementary school, so the subject was very awkward
Oh yes, my mom made this part of growing up TOTALLY weird. Just b/c she was so uncomfortable with it … sounds like you have a good approach planned!
Looks like fun times at the zoo.
That sounds like a great way to bring it up- it’d be embarrassing around other family, I’m sure! I wish my mom would have talked to me about it before I started but I started very young {barely 9} so she thought she had time. Definitely talk to her sooner rather than later!! 🙂
It seems girls are starting earlier than I remember! I was 12. I like this line for teens and know I need to prepare for my daughter in the next 3-4 years. I didn’t have the talk with my mom. I knew about it but not everything I needed. Good for you for chatting with them!
Looks like a great time at the zoo, I to miss when the kids were young some days!
Rebecca is 8 and the only daughter, We have yet to talk about it directly she sometimes has asked questions when my unwanted visitor has arrived and I have answered them honestly. Ira hard not knowing when to do these things.
I’m a little afraid that my daughter will start her’s early. She’s nine, and is already shaving.
My girls are 7 and 9 and I have no idea how to go about this, I dont know if I should seperate them and talk, or maybe the older one will tell her sister anyways. And if she does it might be right, this is a side note, I was watching Singles that movie from the 90’s. The boy went to the doctor to learn about sex, he learned about sperm. Then he went back and told his friends that Spam comes out and they all got grossed out. Maybe I should google on ways to talk about, what to say and what not to say, like they are too young for.
I was 16 when I started mine, but I was extremely premeature so that might of affected it, my younger sister started hers at like 13 or something.
LOL those pics made me laugh b/c I have 3 boys, and coming from a family that had 3 girls, I know how those girls feel. We never get all 3 boys to pose nicely LOL
Having two daughters, I know how important girl time is. Thanks for the tips!
I was a late bloomer and my sister started her period before me, even though she is younger than me. I have a boy, so I’ll not be having this talk (at least not the way I would if he were a girl). 🙂 Your daughters are beautiful, as are you, btw.
Sometimes I’m glad I have sons.
Your kids are adorable! My little girl is seven and we’re already starting to talk about this too. You can’t be too prepared – it’s a huge milestone!
Your kiddos are too cute. And I agree, quality time is super important.
I love the pictures. It is so important to have that quality time.
My daughter LOVES “girl time” when we get away from the boys and just do stuff together … I think it is important to have one-on-one time with any child, no matter their age.
Your girls are adorable!
Quality time is the most important, I agree.
1. The photo is super cute.
2. I agree quality time is important.
3. I love to see how they are catering to younger girls. My daughter is only 6 right now but we will be there one day.
I think the more comfortable you are talking about it, the more comfortable the kids are to ask and learn. Spending quality time with them now and keeping open that line of communication is priceless!