When you are pregnant you always want to make sure you are eating and drinking things that are healthy for you and the baby growing inside you. If you are not pregnant, but looking to get pregnant you should also be eating and drinking healthy. My friend Aimee had this dream of creating a product that would include a variety of vitamins, minerals and nutrients for women that are wanting to have children. She knows that a mom’s diet is VERY important to the health of her unborn baby and put together a plan to create a product for mamas that they could drink before, during and after pregnancy to improve their health as well as their baby’s health too!
Check out my friend Aimee’s story here:
Mamalicious® recently launched and I am excited that Aimee’s dream came true. I am so excited about this product and I am not even pregnant or breastfeeding. I have a container on my kitchen counter and use it to make myself some healthy milkshakes or smoothies.
Watch the Mamalicious® commercial here:
The BIG jar of Mamalicious® in Vivacious Vanilla contains 30 servings and each serving is 90 calories. You can add it a variety of beverages that you want to drink to make your drink healthier. This product contains organic brown rice protein, Calcium, RDA of Folic Acid, vitamins, minerals, fiber probiotics,enzymes for digestion and EpiFactors™. The Mamalicious® product contains all natural products with NO artificial sweeteners or colors.
Since I love to make my own drink & meal creations, I thought I would get a little creative and make a milkshake with this product. I made a chocolate flavored milkshake that I shared with my little guy that thought it was yummy too! All you need is a blender/smoothie machine or some other gadget that can crush ice, a scoop of the Mamalicious® product and a few other ingredients you probably already have in kitchen.
Remember, you don’t have to be pregnant or nursing to drink this product, it just is benefit to those that are!
And here is my creation, the chocolate milkshake that is not only delicious, it is Mamalicious®!
Here is the simple and easy to make this healthy chocolate milkshake if you want to try this at home as well.
- 8oz milk
- 1 scoop Mamalicious®
- 1 cup crushed ice
- 1 TBS unsweetened cocoa
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- Add all ingredients to blender/smoothie machine.
- Mix until well blended
- Pour into cup and add a bendy straw and enjoy!
Sounds simple right?
- To find out more about Mamalicious®, please visit: https://mymamalicious.com.
- For the Social Media junkies like me, you can also follow Mamalicious on Twitter and Facebook too!
This is neat. I’ll check it out.
That looks really yummy!
well it does look good 🙂
Sounds delicious. I love shakes like these everyday, so this is right up my alley! Good to know for my PG friends, too! 🙂
Wow! That sounds like a really neat product. I love the name too.
I LOVE the name too!
That looks like a tasty shake and being good for you makes it even better!
I know pregnant women have to be so careful with what they eat, so it’s nice that these products exist! Sounds like a tasty shake!
That looks awesome! I’m not pregnant either but may have to check it out anyway!
i’m game for anything chocolate, girl! i want to try some too!
Sounds delicious!
I’d love to try this while nursing!
This sounds like a great gift idea actually! Thanks for sharing.
Now I’m craving a milkshake! LOL
I love me a good milkshake!