Many major chain stores are dabbling in the area of electronics sales, and consumers can now find a variety of items such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and HD TVs at the same store where they shop for clothing and groceries. While some people believe this will save them money compared to buying these products from an electronics store – the price may be right – but what about the advice and information they receive regarding their use, features, and other issues?
Before you make your next major electronics purchase from one of these chain stores, you should know what you risk by doing so and why buying them at a store that specializes in electronics may be a better choice.
Employee training and knowledge
While the prices at these chain stores may be less than those at most major electronics outlets, you may pay for it later because the employees there usually are not trained to sell laptops, smartphones, or HD televisions, and in the case of these high-tech devices, missing or incorrect information about their handling and use might prove to be disastrous. For example, if you have never hooked up an HD TV before and an uninformed employee sells you the wrong cables for the connection, you could end up not only ruining the TV but possibly injuring yourself as well. The employees at electronics stores are, on average, much more knowledgeable about the products they sell and can advise you on the connections and accessories that you’ll need.
Price difference: is it really worth it?
Many consumers shop for electronics at chain stores because they believe the prices are much lower than at major electronics stores, but in reality, the difference is often negligible. In fact, large electronics stores like Best Buy have weekly sales that offer shoppers deep discounts on laptops, smartphones, digital cameras, and even televisions. There are good deals to be found all year round, and you can even use a 10% off coupon code from Best Buy at the register for further savings. These coupon codes are usually available at the store Web site or in-store in conjunction with advertised sales. While you might save some money by buying your electronics item at a chain store, the best course of action is to check out all of your options at both stores before you decide where to buy it.
Not all chain stores offer warranties
While you might save some money when you buy a laptop, a smartphone, or other electronics device at a chain store, not all of them will offer you an extended warranty on your product. The company warranty, which usually only covers one year with limited conditions, may often not be enough protection against accidental damage. Specialty electronic stores, however, can offer you a variety of extended warranties for an extra fee that will cover the product for up to two years for a wider array of problems. Buying a major electronic purchase at a chain store may save you money but end up costing you in misinformation and expensive repairs later on.
very useful info to know. thanks for sharing!
Great post!
I hate going to a store and asking an employee for some advice about a product, only to find out the employee is just as clueless as I am.
I do a lot of research on line before I purchase electronics. nice artcile
I always check all the stores before purchasing big ticket items!
What interesting information! I definitely investigate and compare prices prior to any large purchase.
I think price and warranty are most important to me when I’m making a purchase.
Great post, this information is definitely going to come in handy for future holidays/shopping needs.