There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t use the internet to get online to write a blog post, write update on Facebook or send a tweet on Twitter. Everyday I am one of those that express my opinions online without worrying about consequences. I know that everyone might not agree with what I have to say, but I never have to worry about breaking the law on stating my opinion online somewhere.
Unfortunately there are countries that don’t have freedom of speech. There are people that are being imprisoned, threatened and even killed for expressing themselves. I have two stories I want to share with you about individuals like yourself that have been arrested and put behind bars because they chose to express themselves.
Story #1: Nabel Rabab – A man serving time for posting anti-government comment on Twitter in addition to instigating and participating in peaceful gatherings considered to be illegal by the Bahraini government. Nabeel Rajab is a prominent Bahraini human rights activist whose freedom has been compromised.
Story #2: Marcos Máiquel Lima Cruz – Another man behind bars because his hip-hop dance party lead him straight to jail because a song’s lyrics criticized the lack of freedom of expression in Cuba.
Be sure to help these two individuals and sign the petition to help set them FREE!
When it comes to our daily life there are a lot of things I wish would go away. There are many things I wish everyone could simply say No Más to! When I turn on the news in the morning, I usually will see something tragic that has happened in my community, state or country that has me saying “Can’t everyone just get along“. I want to encourage you to watch this short and quick video that might have you thinking what you might want to say No Más to!
One thing I would really like to say is No Más to judging. What I mean by this is I wish people would quit judging people before they have a chance to get to know them. You know on those movies with high school girls where they have the MEAN pretty popular girls that pick on and tease the less popular students. I hate that and always encourage my kids to be nice to everyone.
I consider myself to be one of those people that give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it backfires on me, but I would rather give someone the benefit of the doubt instead of judging them. Unfortunately so many people judge people by their past, by what they are wearing or even by their family and friends.
Want to get involved? Every Monday in February at 11am PST be sure to join @TakePart for a live Twitter chat with celebrities, experts and activists as they explore the issue of free speech. Be sure to follow @TakePart on Twitter and use the #NoMas hashtag to ask your questions
If you could say No Más to something, what would you choose? Leave me a comment below letting me know what you would say. Be sure to go make your own personalized No Mas Badge!
This is a sponsored post through Linqia and the opinions stated herein are 100% my own.
It is so scary and sad that people can be jailed for simply voicing their opinion. Thanks for sharing this!
I cannot even imagine.
There’s so many things I would love to sa NO MAS to!
Wow, it’d be hard to pick just one thing to say “NO MAS” to. Judging it definitely one, along with homophobia and racism. People just need to not worry so much about others and mind their own business!
I love the no judging one.
I never judge.
I could not imagine!
I’ve never been the one to judge others because I know I’m not perfect myself. I’m very shy around new people and some people take that the wrong way. But once they get to know me and what I’m about they always end up apologizing for reading me wrongly. I just wish people would get along and try to like everyone as you never know what you may find out once you have given someone a chance.
That’d be so hard!
I am saying no mas to a lot of things right now. Maybe it’s my age, but I just can’t tolerate bull anymore.
Wouldn’t a world without judging be extraordinary?! I feel for the people who’ve been mistreated because of things they’ve said.
I couldn’t imagine living in a country like that. I have to admit I judge others, but it’s something I have been working on most of my life. Growing up in the South it was almost reared in you since birth. It’s a hard habit to break.
We take so much for granted!
I can’t imagine not having freedom of speech. I’m with you on the “No Mas Judging.” It makes no sense to judge others and is only hurtful.
i second the no mas judging. we americans in particular seem to spend so much time looking at and judging others and not just living our lives.
Yes, well said!
Totally agree on the No Mas judging others. It would be so great to have a world without judging.
I can imagine what it would be like to live without freedom of speech and it’s incredibly disturbing. Great post and I love your thoughts on judgement – I totally agree!
I agree with you about judgement. I try not to judge others because I don’t walk in their shoes. Great post – thanks!