When you maintain a website it sometimes can get tedious writing new content for your readers. This is especially for those you that have multiple sites. When things get busy at home, often our websites seem to take the toll and when this happens, your traffic stats seem to drop. For those of you looking for a way to get content for your website or blog without having to hire another writer, there is what is known as Private Label Rights content. These are articles that you can purchase for your website that you can alter however you want and publish as your own work. Now these private label rights articles are usually sold in sets. For instance, there are usually different categories and will include 10 to 25 different articles that you can use as yours.
I have used PLR articles on my websites in the past and think they are very handy. One site that I recommend using when looking for articles for your website is All Private Label Content. Not only do they have a great variety of articles that you can choose from that you think you readers will be interested in, they also offer FREE Articles for that you can use too!
Be sure to download the Free How to PLR Report too!
There is a downside to these articles though, but don’t run off yet. These private label rights articles are sold to more than just you BUT there is a maximum amount of times the articles can be purchased. Some sites that sell these PLR articles usually put a cap on the amount of downloads to 10 to 20 people. Since most people will be editing these articles in some sort of way, you don’t have to worry to much about duplicate content if you are also making some changes.
TIP: I always add some of my own content into these articles as well as remove anything I don’t feel fits to make them unique.Since I own rights to these articles, I can do what I feel looks best for my readers. This is just one idea for content that you can use when you might have a dose of writer’s block!
did not know this existed as an option.
hmm interesting. I am actually having some writers block today. I have had the same empty post page open and have may 4 words on it :/
When I have nothing, I don’t even bother to post. Of course, if I do have something but don’t feel like posting, sometimes I don’t do it then either!
Ha — me too!
I use a lot of guest posts, so I got something posting most every day.
I didn’t know this existed. I am going to check this out. I have writer’s block lately!
Thanks for the tip.
Do you know if there is a cap on the free ones they offer? Thank you!!
Well that’s pretty cool, it’s nice to know that exists!
not for me, but I guess it could come in handy
It’s great that there is an option out there like this, just in case!
That’s a great option, thanks!
This is a great idea, but I agree with adding some of your own content in to make them not look like duplicate content to Google.
This is a good option when you have writers blocks. I usually just don’t post.
This is a great option, thanks forsharing!
Writer’s block is my chronic condition.
I didn’t know this existed. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing!
I didn’t know this type of service existed and was legal. My husband and I started our first blog with some friends and have been trying to find ways to add content without killing ourselves. Thank you.