You know the Box Tops For Education coupons you see on various products at the grocery store? If you don’t collect them yourself, you have probably seen them and even threw them away…
I bet you didn’t know I have been collecting those COUPONS for over the last DECADE!
Ever since my oldest daughter started pre-school, I have been collecting the Box Tops coupons on everything I buy that has them and maybe even longer. I remember when I was in grade school, my Nana used to save all the Campbell’s Soup Labels for me to give to my teacher. I remember it feeling rewarding being able to help the school get supplies or money or whatever they got in return for those labels years ago.
I just LOVE how the Box Tops For Education program works. This program started in 1996 and has helped raise OVER $525 million dollars for schools. What feels good is knowing that I have contributed over the last decade in helping Box Tops for Education make that record setting funding over more than half a billion dollars for our schools across the country! More than 90,000 schools use the cash to purchase supplies for the school such as computers, library books, art supplies, playground equipment and more.
What is great is the schools that make collecting these coupons fun for the students. There are so many budget cuts at our schools that these type of programs really are important to hep schools with their basic operating needs. At my daughter’s elementary school, they count how many coupons each class as a whole turns in. Then they reward the top classes with some sort of party. I know this gives my daughter the motivation to help clip those coupons and save them for her school.
What is neat about this program is that General Mills created this as an experiment on boxes of Cheerios in California with the first year earnings of only $1 million. On average today, schools in the U.S earn around $900 annually through the program but there are many schools though that earn $20,000. There are currently over 240 brands participating and over 75,000 volunteer Box Tops for Education coordinators who motivate the local school communities to collect those Box Tops.
Things you might not know:
- Each school can earn up to $20,000 a year
- Each Box Tops coupon is worth 10 cents for the school
- More than 90,000 K-8 schools participate
- Earn eBoxTops for shopping online
- You can find Recipes, Coupons and more on their website!
To learn more about the Box Tops for Education program, visit:
Disclosure – I received a product samples with the Box Tops for Education post to provide you with this post. The opinions stated herein are 100% my own.
Not only do we save Box Tops to turn into the kids’ schools but my parents help out and save them too.
I’m always clipping for the school and I get them for grandparents too
My sister-in-law always collects these for her kids’ school.
I save these & I don’t even have a kid in school yet!
I have never saved any Box Tops (I always somehow overlook them), but I need to start.
Toilet paper is the only thing we buy that has box tops 🙁
WE save em too!
I have to remember to save these! Thanks for the reminder.
My kids have become obsessed with clipping these.
We always clip these!
Gotta love saving money with coupons.