Earlier this year I mentioned that I was taking some classes at my local college. I wanted to take a few classes that could improve my skills for designing websites. I figured if I took classes I was interested in, I would actually go and maybe get good grades too!
It has been a LONG time since I had taken any classes, I am guessing about 10 years but I rocked the three classes I took this semester. Below is a screenshot of my unofficial transcript for the Spring 2013 semester.
It was fun going back to school and I am enrolled full time for the Fall 2013 semester! I will be taking more computer classes, a photography class and even a cooking class so I can learn how to make some fancy desserts.
When was the last time you took a class?
Congratulations!!!! SO excited for you.
Thanks! Hopefully I can get As next semester too!
Congratulations!! I can’t even imagine going back to school. Good luck in the fall!
Thanks! Going back to school wasn’t easy, but I have been wanting to take some of these classes for a long time.
WOW! Congrats on taking these classes and getting a 4.0! I have not taken classes in years. I would like to take some computer and cooking classes! It is great that you will be going to school full time. Getting an education is always exciting!
It was about 10 years for me but definitely worth it. The stuff that I learned, I have already been using to my advantage. I am hoping that my kids seeing me in college is going to give them more incentive to go too!
I am not sure I got an A my entire 5 years in college. LOL!
I bet you did but honestly when I went to college 10 years ago, I don’t know if I got any As either. This time I took it very serious and did all my homework and even did extra credit. I wanted to show my two teenagers that mom can get good grades too!
Look at YOU! That’s outstanding!
Thanks lady! I tried hard for those grades too!
Way to go! I am so happy for you. Having classes that you like really does help make it more interesting.
Thanks! Yes, taking classes I want to take was definitely an advantage. I don’t think I would have done so well if I chose boring classes.
That’s awesome! I am thinking of taking some classes in the fall.
Thanks! That is great that you are wanting to take some classes. Any ideas that type of classes you want to take?
Well done, Stephani! All A’s is no easy thing, so congrats on getting back into it!
Thanks! I agree, all A’s is not easy and it definitely was hard work that payed off.
You go girl! This is awesome. Congrats!
Yay!!! So awesome!
Way to go Stefani!! That’s awesome!!
thats so awesome and congrats on all the A’s this semester!
that is so great! I have not taken a class in years, good for you!
This is wonderful! Congratulations! I love taking classes and would love to go back to school. I’ve been following your school updates on social media and you’ve really inspired me to look into some computer classes this summer.
Wow! Congratulations!! The last class I took was seven years ago….I can’t believe it’s been that long ago!
Way to go Stef! I am so proud of you! 🙂 Awesome!
Nicely done!!! Very good job!!