When it comes to things that are girly, I am a mom that LOVES her fairies. Especially fairies named Tinkerbell, Rosetta, Periwinkle and the many others that live Pixie Hollow. For those that haven’t heard yet, there is a new fairy that is causing some mischief down in Pixie Hollow.
When I first heard about The Pirate Fairy, I knew this movie was going to introduce a new fairy that might be a little on the mischievous side. I don’t know about you but when I think of the word “pirate”, I think of ADVENTURE!
Meet Zarina, The Pirate Fairy!
This new film by Disney does something magical like always. Disney has now brought Pixie Hollow and Neverland together. If you are a fan of Peter Pan or shall I say Captain Hook, you might really enjoy The Pirate Fairy. You just never know what will happen when you cross Pixie Dust with a pirate ship…
You should see what Skull Rock looks like after all these years later. I think the crocodiles are definitely a lot CUTER! Will Tinkerbell and her friends get to go inside Skull Rock? You will have to watch the movie to find out.
This movie is really magical to me. I was one of those kids that watched Peter Pan and wished I could travel to an island called Neverland so I wanted to know more. I found this video about the film that I want to share that includes some great information from the Director, Producer and Writer of The Pirate Fairy. This video shares what their original idea was before they even thought of a pirate theme.
On my trip to Los Angeles this month, I had the opportunity to visit Disney Toon Studios to not only watch a screening of Disney’s new Pirate Fairy, but also get to meet and talk with the Director and Producer of the show, Peggy Holmes and Jenni Magee-Cook that are in the video above. It was an amazing experience being in the room with these two talented ladies. After listening to them talk about the movie, I seriously envied the job that they have.
Here is a few of the fun questions that our #PirateFairy group was able to ask these ladies about the Disney fairies during our Q&A with them:
With all the fairies, will there be spinoffs?
Jenni: You know, we, um, we don’t have anything, we haven’t- that we can talk about, ’cause it, it’s a director driven studio. So what we really do here is when the directors have a story they want to tell, that’s what they bring to the table and they do- they decide to tell that story. And they talk about it with our teams. But we don’t mandate that they must make anything.
Peggy: But we are in production on the next fairies film, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah we are in production.
I love the way it’s for boys and girls, the sequel was more for both?
Jenni: Yeah it’s, it’s doing really well with boys, I mean, it, in general boys don’t tend to always be the market we have for this audience. But we, we- every time we screen we, we’ve brought boys in for our general audience screenings. And I have boys and they- and my boy is almost thirteen and he said I’m not just kissing up to you, mom. I actually like your movie. It’s almost like as if he said he loves me in public.
Was there any songs that didn’t make it into the movie that you wished made it?
Jenni: That’s so normal that that happens but on this one no.
Why did the movie not run in theaters?
Peggy: Well internationally we’re in forty-two markets. Internationally in theaters. And then, and then we just make our movie and the Walt Disney Company, they…… yeah. I mean, we’re at the El Cap right now, running at the El Cap, which is awesome. But, you know, we just our part is to make the movie and-
Jenni: The powers that be- be.
To find out more about our Q&A with these ladies, be sure to tune into the #PirateFairy talk on Twitter today!
While at Disney Toon Studios, we also learned that the voice of James in The Pirate Fairy happens to be Tom Middleston. For all of you Middleston fans, be sure to watch this…
Ready to see The Pirate Fairy for yourself? This fun new fairy film hits shelves on April 1, 2014. You can reserve your copy a copy of the The Pirate Fairy (Blu-ray / DVD + Digital Copy) for only $24.99.
Sounds like such a fun movie! I know hubby will enjoy it. He’s hooked on that FB game Battle Pirates so we’ll have to get it. And I’m sure our granddaughter Bella will enjoy, she’s only 2 but whatever lol
Looks and sounds like you had a great time!