Disclosure – I received an invite to the #StrangeMagicEvent. All expenses were paid for and covered by Disney. This post is not a paid post and the opinions stated herein are 100% my own.
It is not everyday that you get to take a trip to George Lucas’s ranch, screen a movie with him and then have the opportunity to interview him. Our group of mommy bloggers had the opportunity to sit down with George after we screened his new film “Strange Magic” and ask him some questions about the film.
Since George Lucas is famous for the Star Wars and Indiana Jones series, many people are wondering why did George create a film with fairies. Being a fan of both Star Wars and fairies, I myself was interested in knowing why. My readers and I weren’t the only ones wondering, this was the first question that was asked during the interview.
Here is George’s response when asked why he wanted to make this film “Strange Magic“.
It started quite a while ago, about 15 years ago, and I just got the idea that it would be fun. I mean I love to do musicals, I love to do musicals using my favorite music, so it kinda harkens back to my pre-Star Wars days. And I thought it would be fun to make a film that was more, for tween girls than Star Wars which is for tween boys, even though in the end everybody loved it and girls love it and, you know it all worked out.
So I’m hoping that this one, even though it’s more teen more teen girl-centric, hopefully it will engage all the boys and everybody will like it because it’s at that magic age as, which we’re you don’t make movies unless it’s Hunger Games or something. You know the idea of an upbeat, fun, simple, movie just appealed to me. I’d finished all the Star Wars and everything and I was producing films but I wanted to do one that I could actually get my hands dirty.
I would have shared all the questions and responses on my post but I think it would be better for you to hear and see George answer these questions himself. I was lucky and able to record our interview to share with you. Watch the complete Strange Magic interview with George Lucas at Skywalker Sound below:
After the interview I think I liked the movie even more. Learning about why he wanted to create this film, his passion for writing and his family made the tour of Skywalker Ranch after the interview even more amazing. I can’t say that I didn’t wish I was part of his family during my time at his ranch, if not even an employee. I really thought it was great that he took out time of his day to spend with our group watching his new film and discussing it afterwards. Learning about his love for the Wizard Of Oz and seeing Tic Toc from Return To Oz has already had me watching films from my childhood again.
A group picture with George Lucas, Director Gary Rydstrom, Producer Mike Miller, Elijah Kelley and the group of bloggers for the #StrangeMagicEvent.
I can’t wait to take all four of my children to the movies on Friday so that I can see it again. Not only do I think that the plot for the story is great, even more after hearing George’s reasoning behind it, the music makes the movie more magical! Since I have a son that will be 7 this month I am curious to see if he is going to like it as much as my 10 year old daughter. I have a house of girls that love fairies so I know all my daughters will love it, even my oldest.
George has created some magical creatures for this movie. Watch the video below to meet the characters of “Strange Magic”:
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STRANGE MAGIC opens in theatres everywhere on January 23rd!
Enjoyed reading this story. I am looking forward to seeing this movie as well. George Lucas does so many great films.
Of course I loved Star Wars–and I watch re runs of Indiana Jones anytime it is on TV so I think I better high tail it to see this movie–I will probably be one of many adults that will adore it! And by the way–who doesn’t believe in fairies!!