Disclosure – I received an invite to the #CinderellaEvent. All expenses were paid for and covered by Disney. The opinions stated herein are 100% my own.
After watching the movie Cinderella, I had those thoughts of how I wished I was a Cinderella with a prince. One can daydream! Once you are in the same room with Richard Madden, hearing his dreamy accent in person and hearing what he had to say to some of the questions asked makes you want a prince even more. Luckily I have the full interview below for those that want to listen.
In the new Disney film, Cinderella, Richard Madden plays”Prince Charming” and who I think makes a perfect fit for Lily James. Those two together on film have some chemistry!
Our group of mommy bloggers got to ask Prince Charming some really great questions. You can find a few good ones below, but be sure to listen to the full interview below:
Q : What was your favorite scene?
The first scene that I show up with Lil which is us on horseback when we first meet in the woods. I kind of like being outside and being on a horse. It’s more fun than being in the studio most of the time. But it’s just like you know that was our first day on set. That was the first day of shooting. That was the first time with Lily.
So you kind of have all of that going on on top of us kind of trying to play that scene. And I love what Ken wanted to do that, these 2 huge beasts. They were both trying to control and their feelings, and this kind of dance that they do on the horses.
Q: How hard was it to learn the dance routine?
It was miserable. I’m not a naturally gifted dancer. Uh so I had to kind of train for like 2 or 3 months to like 3 or 4 times a week to get myself up to scratch so that, I mean there was 2 months before they let me near Lily’s dress and because I would just destroy it. I went through like 2 practice dresses that looked like a bunch of cats have destroyed them.
But yeah I wanted to make sure the, I think the Prince would enjoy dancing. So I wanted to make it look as if he was enjoying it and also that I could just act with Lily and not be thinking about what I’m doing with my feet.
Q: Were there any scenes that made you cry?
Yeah the scene with Derek playing the King. That was a very emotional day but a really good one.
I love working with Derek. It was kind of an icon to me and that was kind of a really moving scene. He plays it so beautifully, it was hard not to get caught up in that.
Interview With Richard Madden – Cinderella
Listen to the full interview with Richard pressing the play button below:
After the interview Richard agreed to take a group photo with us. Look at me cheesing on the couch with the prince.
Cinderella is playing in theaters NOW!
I am looking forward to this movie. I have heard great things!
Great interview! There’s lots of hype around this movie!!
He’s handsome AND sensitive. He’s the perfect Prince Charming!
I can’t wait to see this movie. I think they cast the role of Prince Charming PERFECTLY.
We have been anxiously awaiting Cinderella for a very long time. We plan to see it this weekend. My daughter is planning to dress up like Cinderella when we go to the theater. It’ll be so much fun. I love that Disney movies are entertaining for young and old alike.
This is such a great interview. I am so excited to see Cinderella this weekend. He sure is a handsome man.
My family and I went to see Cinderella. We loved it!
This was a great interview! He seems like such a nice person!
Oh how I would favor meeting him on horseback in the middle of the woods, as well. HA! What a great interview. Thanks for sharing.
What a cool guy! I’m so glad I get to see him in Cinderella after watching Game of Thrones.
I’m very excited to watch this. I loved this movie growing up and have heard great things so far.
What a cool interview opportunity! I’ve heard great things about this movie, I totally want to see it!
Great interview! He’s a very good looking guy! Can’t wait to take my girls to see the movie.
Sounds like a great time.So cool to talk with him.
I would love to be a princess if only for a day. I know that most men would want to be Prince Charming too.
This is a great interview. I can’t wait to see him perform. I know that some of the major roles for movies require even more training than he went through to learn how to dance.
That is such an awesome experience to be able to conduct an interview like this! I keep hearing great reviews about this movie!
He looks different without the beard! 🙂 And I haven’t seen the movie yet!
I love hearing his insight on his favorite scene. What a fun interview to do!
What a fun experience!! I am dying to see the movie! I’m hoping to see it this weekend with or without my teen daughter! lol
This sounds like it was an amazing event indeed. I truly believe Richard fits his part to a tee. I can’t wait to see the movie. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like a lovely interview! I have already heard much about this movie & eagerly waiting to watch it! Prince Charming perfectly suits for his role.
I have heard good tings about this movie. Can’t wait to see it for myself.
Awesome!!! so handsome … lol .. thanks for sharing!