Getting out of the house, especially when it is cold out can be difficult. It can be much easier to stay indoors where it’s warm and comfortable rather than venture out of the house. However, skipping your regular exercise routine isn’t a good idea. Exercising helps you feel good and it helps you to stay healthy.
Below are five helpful tips to help you stay motivated to exercise even during the winter days:
- Exercise in your home – Okay, so not everyone has the space or the budget to add a home gym. However, you don’t need a lot of space. A fitness ball can help you accomplish a lot. You can purchase a fold-up treadmill. Or consider simply purchasing a few fitness DVDs. Then, when it’s absolutely too cold to head outside, you can work out at home. You’ll still accomplish your daily fitness goal and you’ll avoid the cold.
- Bundle up when it is cold – With the exception of the dangerously cold days, there’s little risk to exercising outside. All you need is the proper gear. If you’re a runner, then a pair of tights and layers of clothing work best. Don’t’ forget a hat and gloves – wool works best. And if you cannot run on dry sidewalks, trails or pavement, then consider water-resistant shoes and/or traction devices like Yak Trax. Running or exercising outdoors during the winter months will actually help you feel great. When the sky is cloudy and the air is cool, the exercise will give you those feel-good endorphins.
- Join a fitness club – Winter is a great time to join a fitness club. When you join a club you have access to much more fitness equipment and opportunities. You can also hire a personal trainer that utilizes the best online personal training software to streamline your fitness experience. That alone can be motivating. You’ll be able to try new things and perhaps meet new people. While joining a club can be expensive, many clubs offer special wintertime deals. Find a club that’s close to home or on your normal route so it’s easy to get to. You won’t have any excuses to not exercise.
- Set a goal – When you set a goal for yourself it is easier to stay motivated. Your goal can be anything that you want it to be but don’t set goals you know you won’t accomplish. For example, you could set a weight-loss goal and start small like losing 5 or 10 pounds. You could also set an endurance or speed goal depending on your fitness program. If you take yoga, you might set a goal to achieve a complicated pose. If you’re in martial arts, maybe you can achieve a new belt.
- Be nicer to yourself – If getting out and exercising during the winter is difficult for you then reward yourself when you do get out and exercise. You can give yourself a pat on the back or do something you enjoy. For example, if you go to the gym or out for a run, celebrate with a massage or a bowl of your favorite soup. Acknowledge your success, especially when you hit your goals!
Getting motivated to exercise can be difficult. Create a habit of exercise. Accommodate to the changes in the weather. Find alternative means for working out and celebrate your success. You’ll feel better physically, mentally and emotionally when you exercise.
I workout every day. I am addicted to that adrenaline rush I get when I am done.
Hate ti admit to this but there is nothing that would motivate me to exercise! It is just not in my genes or anywhere else. I admire all of you who exercise all the time and sometimes wonder how you do it!!
I only work out at home. I’ve never been able to do it at a gym before, but I’m with you on setting goals too!
You have to also keep it interesting. Working out can be boring, so good music or a podcast to watch is imperative.
Sounds like good advice. Tips anyone can follow.
I try to always have music on me. I also have to pump myself before I go so I don’t talk myself out of it.
It’s so hard to find the opportunity to exercise with 3 little ones. It seems as though someone always needs my attention! We can’t wait for warmer weather to go for stroller walks and play outside!
These are some great tips for staying focused on fitness goals. It is so hard sometimes to stay motivated to exercise.
Great tips – my problem is I never have the energy to get outside and exercise.
I am finally healing enough to get back to running and am so excited. I was still working out, but running is my favorite thing.
I have to say it is so hard to stay motivated in winter
Good advice. Always helps to set realistic goals.
I was doing so well with my workouts and diet – I lost a ton of weight and then I slipped. I really need to get back into it. I like your tip to join a fitness club.
These are all great tips to stay motivated! It’s so hard during the cold winter months! The last thing I want to do is go outside and FREEZE! Having a goal does help!
These are great tips. I used to go for walks at lunch time when I worked. It was midday so it was usually a bit warmer outside. If not I would put on a jacket and go.
Goals help me be stay motivated too. I think that’s especially true if they’re smaller, more easily obtainable goals.
I am absolutely terrible at working out. I’d need to join a fitness club and hire a trainer to keep me on track. Seriously!
These are great tips! I think the most helpful thing for me was joining a fitness club. As long as I can keep a routine I do OK but if I miss a day or two it’s hard to get back in there.
I wish I could afford a gym. I feel like having a place would motivate me more… and give me much needed pool access!
Great tips to keep yourself motivated to exercise, as it is definitely not an easy task. I regularly exercise at home & I agree it gives a great pleasure physically, mentally and emotionally as well.
Great tips! Staying motivated is what keeps me from meeting my goals.
All your tips are spot on. Half the battle for me is just trying to motivate myself to even start to exercise. Thanks for sharing.