“Last year when The Catch first aired on ABC I wasn’t sure if I was a fan. I watched the first episode and was a little lost. I was going to be visiting the set of The Catch and I really wanted to be a fan. So I gave the show another try and watched the first episode again. This time without any distractions and I got what it was about! Once I watched the second episode I was hooked and it quickly became one of my favorite shows each week! When the show was renewed for another season I was stoked! I was even more EXCITED this month when I found out we would be interviewing Sonya Walger who plays Margot Bishop and the Executive Producer Allan Heinberg.

Photo Credit: ABC Studios
Now I will be honest, during the first few episodes of The Catch with Margot I wasn’t a fan. I was on Alice’s side and routing for her relationship with Ben. Now as the third episode of season two airs TONIGHT, Margot is one of my favorites as I seemed to always like the villains of the shows I watch. Take a peek of this clip with Margot you will see on tonight’s episode.
Being able to take a picture with the producer of the show and one of my favorite characters was definitely a Kodak moment!
At the studio we screened The Catch Episode 3 and did a Q&A style interview with Alan and Sonya after. We asked Sonya if we should expect some twists and turns in season two and any that surprised her and she said “Yeah, you haven’t seen it yet”. She wouldn’t let us in on any of the show’s secrets but I bet we are in for some exciting episodes this season!
When you watch season two it takes on a whole new twist which I LOVE. Ben goes from being the bad guy to the good guy. Then you see Alice working for Margot which is a complete plot twist! Here is what the show’s Executive Producer Allan Heinberg had to say about this change…
I knew we had to reinvent the show completely in this second season. I knew that part of what I think turned people off in the beginning, and this partly our fault, we only had one episode to show people by the time we aired, and so I think everybody thought we were doing The Fugitive where it was like, I don’t want to see her chase in thirteen episodes. That makes me tired. I don’t want that. And so there wasn’t time to do, like, now we have ten episodes in the can, and we’re able to show you, this season.
Photo Credit: ABC/Kelsey MCNeal
As fans of Margot we wanted to know how much does she know about her character in advance. When filming we asked Sonya how many episodes down the line does she she have in her mind when filming. She tells us that she has the most collaborative showrunner in the world and says she has as much information as Allan with a smile! Here is Allan’s and Sonya’s response to this.
Allan Heinberg: And I’ll try to be careful because sometimes giving an actor too much information, you know, if you know too much about what’s coming down the road if you’re not a genius actor like Sonya, it’ll pull you away from the present moment. So I think a lot of showrunners withhold in order to protect the actor to keep them present in the moment. But because we’re cooking this up together, and because I want her as invested, and because her writer’s mind is so strong, I will usually, and I do this with Mireille too, and with Pete, everybody really, if they’re interested in having that much information. Like, I’ll tell them as much as I know. I’ll tell everybody as much as I know. And sometimes I’ll call from the writer’s room and say, this is maybe a terrible idea, but what do you think?
Sonya Walger: And I love it. I’ve had both, honestly. I mean, I’ve had showrunners who were, you know, the ink was drying as we get the script pages, so there was there was no, there was no heads up there and that’s okay, too, truly. You just keep to a very present, and you’re like, guess what? In life, I don’t know what’s happening in ten minute’s time, so this is what I play. It’s not terrible and I’ve had the other where I’ve had all ten episodes ahead of time before we even shot a frame, to sort of process the whole arc which is more like doing a movie, say. They honestly both have their benefits. It’s not terrible to get it last minute either.
Watch our Exclusive The Catch Interview With Sonya Walger (“Margot Bishop”) & Executive Producer Allan Heinberg below:
I already seen episode 3 that airs TONIGHT which you will NOT want to miss! It has me excited to see what is going to happen in next week’s episode. I really LOVE this show! Watch another sneak peek of The Catch Episode 3 with Alice & Ben below:
Watch The Catch THURSDAYS on ABC 10|9C
Disclosure – I was invited to the #BeOurGuest press event from Disney. Expenses for trip were paid by Disney but thoughts and opinions are my own.
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