To be a modern tech guru, it’s essential to be familiar with cloud computing. To some techies, however, the cloud may still be nothing more than an extended metaphor for technological water molecules. While it may sound intimidating to learn about this corner of the IT world, you may be surprised at how often you use the cloud.
This technology is nothing new. Cloud computing as we know it today dates back to 2006, when a Google CEO first coined the term. And now, the cloud is everywhere. A recent survey found that 82% of companies saved money by switching to the cloud, but this tech doesn’t just affect corporations.
The following are just some of the ways that cloud computing touches your everyday life.
1. File Sharing
If you know one application of cloud computing, this is it. Whether you run your own business or share files at work, it all has to be stored somewhere. This is where cloud technology comes in. Your file will stay on the network until you are ready to access it again.
2. Online Shopping
Thanks to the cloud, your favorite online shopping sites are able to store information on your buying history. This is why your Amazon suggestions are so spot on. They know what products you have viewed and can make other suggestions based on that.
3. Social Networking
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media websites are flooded with photos and videos from their users. And all of these are kept on cloud storage. This way, you can access all of this data simply by logging onto the network.
4. Video Streaming
If you enjoy curling up and flipping through Netflix at the end of the day, you are accessing the cloud. Streaming sites like Netflix and Hulu keep this data in the cloud and allow you to tap into it to view your favorite shows.
5. Mobile Navigation
When you get lost and reach for your GPS app on your phone, you can thank the cloud for providing directions in real time. More advanced apps even store live information on accidents and traffic, alerting you when your trip might slow down.
While the cloud may seem like an abstract concept, you may actually interact with it on a daily basis. This technology is expanding, and some companies are now adapting to fog computing. And as network data storage improves, our connection and storage options will only get faster and more personalized.
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