Monday when preparing to leave to the airport from the #DisneyGlobalEvent, us mommy bloggers put this Honda CR-V’s luggage capacity to the test.
The McClain Sisters Performing Rise At Disney’s Kids and Nature Celebration & More
Just two days ago I had the opportunity to attend the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund Awards Ceremony at the Animal Kingdom in Florida. This was an event that has definitely left an impact on me and I am sure it has impacted many others that were in attendance. This awards ceremony is part of the Disney Kids and Nature Celebration that helps to spotlight Disney’s commitment to nature, a legacy that begin with Walt Disney more than 60 years ago. This was a celebration to recognize those youths that are making a difference today for the future of our planet.
At this awards ceremony, the DWCF honored five organizations with a special $100,000 grant for their programs that help to connect children and nature. Those five youth organizations that were honored include:
- Children & Nature Network
- National Wildlife Federation
- The Nature Conservancy
- Youth Service America
- Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots
While at the ceremony, I listened to different youths go on stage to share their experience with nature and also share what impacted them to take the steps to make a difference. It was really inspiring to hear their stories and know that there are youth out there that really care about nature and our planet’s future and and have been successful with their ideas to make a change as well as help other youths too!
Not only did the youths leave an impact during this ceremony, Jane Goodall was also in attendance which made the awards ceremony to me even more special. At the end of the ceremony, the McClain Sisters performed their new song “Rise” which you will hear on Disneynature’s new film Chimpanzee that will be showing in theaters on Earth Day (April 20th).
Be sure to stay tuned for more coverage, including interviews with Jane Goodall, the McClain Sisters and of course a review of my new favorite animal documentary, “Chimpanzee”.
Disclosure – I received an invitation to take a trip to Florida for the Red Carpet Premiere of Chimpanzee as a guest of Disney and Global Resort Homes. This post is not a paid post and the opinions stated herein are 100% my own.
The McClain Sisters “Rise” From Disneynature’s Chimpanzee – #DisneyGlobalEvent
In just a couple days I will be in the air on my way to Florida to take part in the #DisneyGlobalEvent. During my time in Florida I will be with 19 other bloggers that will not only get to see the McClain Sisters perform, we get to interview them too!
Be sure to watch the McClain Sisters perform “Rise” by watching the video above. Also, Disneynature’s Chimpanzee will be in theaters on April 20, 2012 and you won’t want to miss it.
Stay tuned for more details on my trip. 🙂
Disclosure – I received an invitation to take a trip to Florida for the Red Carpet Premiere of Chimpanzee as a guest of Disney and Global Resort Homes. This post is not a paid post and the opinions stated herein are 100% my own.
See Chimpanzee, Save Chimpanzees – #DisneyGlobalEvent
Next month I am in for the time of my life!
I will I be flying to Orlando Florida to meet 19 other wonderful bloggers for the Ultimate Bloggers Spring Break Event! Not only am I excited to get to take a trip to Florida and meet some fabulous bloggers, I will also be attending the Red Carpet Premiere for Disneynature’s new upcoming film Chimpanzee!
Next month on Earth Day (April 20), Disneynature is going to release their new film “Chimpanzee”, a documentary film about a young and playful chimp named Oscar that starts out having a big family and ends up lost and alone in the deep forests of Africa. This movie takes you through is crazy adventures and triumphs being alone in the forest and definitely looks like an awesome movie that looks heartwarming.
During the opening week of Chimpanzee, Disneynature is going to donate a portion of the box office proceeds to The Jane Goodall Institute through the “See ‘Chimpanzee,’ Save Chimpanzees” program. If you want to help save the chimps, be sure to watch this movie the week it comes out!
While I am in Florida, we will all be enjoying ourselves at the Global Homes Resorts and will be participating in some fun nature themed events courtesy of the Kissimmee Convention & Visitors Bureau. I don’t know all the details yet, but I am excited!
Take a peek at this video below:
Stay tuned for more upcoming posts about this movie, my stay at Global Homes and all the other details of this fun trip I am preparing myself for.
Disclosure – I received an invitation to take a trip to Florida for the Red Carpet Premiere of Chimpanzee as a guest of Disney and Global Resort Homes. This post is not a paid post and the opinions stated herein are 100% my own.
Wordless Wednesday – Pair Of Kings
I have been saving this picture to share! This is a cute picture of me of course with Ryan Ochoa who currently plays Lanny on Disney’s Pair Of Kings. This picture was snapped at the Lion King Premiere after party in August this year!
Let’s say I think my oldest daughters were a little jealous of this picture.