I have been blogging about my trip to New York a couple weeks ago. I am now going to wrap up the rest of my Day #2 because I have a great Crayola giveaway coming up and I need to get finished telling you about my trip before I can move on to my giveaway….
So my previous post ended with us taking a break and walking around Rockefeller Center. Next was Stop #3 which happens to be the spot for Crayola Pop Art Pixie Maya. Since Maya likes art, we went to the MoMA. This stands for The Museum of Modern Art. At the MoMA we broke into small groups with a tour guide and was given a tour of the place. We took lots of pictures of all the art on the walls and the other neat things we seen there.
After we left the MoMA, it was time to go to our last stop. We were all on the bus so anxious to find out where we were going.We got our Pixie Mail and found out our next stop was something music related. Since the Crayola Pop Art Pixie Naomi likes music, we headed to the Scratch DJ Academy to learn how to scratch.
At the Scratch DJ Academy, not only did the kids learn how to scratch, they got to make a CD with their music. Ariyona was so excited to bring home a CD that had her scratchin on it. Hailey didn’t get a chance to make one, but she was okay with that. In addition to learning to scratch, we each got to make some record spin art. They had this cool machine that spins a cd and you drop paint on it and it splatters.
At the end of the evening at the Scratch DJ Academy, we ate dinner together (pizza, chinese and sushi) and made the Crayola Glow Lamp. This craft happens to be one of my favorite of the Crayola Pop Art Pixies crafts. Below is a picture of all the girls making the lamps.
After we left the Scratch DJ Academy we headed back to the hotel. Since it was our last night, me and my girls headed to Times Square to check out the shops and do a little shopping. We got to check out the M&M Store, Toys R Us, the Hershey Store and some others. Before we headed back to the hotel, we had to stop at McDonalds at Time Square to grab some burgers to bring to the room.
Between me and my daughter, we have over 600 photos from our NYC weekend. Sunday morning was sad. We had to get up early and head back to the airport for our fly home to California. It was definitely a LONG flight home. While I was happy to get home, I was also sad that this fun trip went by to FAST! I am going to make sure I take a trip back to NYC so I can see the rest of the sites.
If you are interested in the Crayola Pop Art Pixies craft kits, they can be found in the Crayola aisle at Toys ‘R’ Us and Target stores nationwide. From now through December 24th, you can receive a $5.00 Target gift card with the purchase of two (2) Pop Art Pixies activity kits at participating Target locations.
“My trip to NYC with my daughters was an all expense paid trip courtesy of Crayola. Thank you Crayola for providing me and my daughters with this opportunity that we will remember for a lifetime”