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How To Make A Smores Pizza

One thing that is delicious that I don’t get to eat that often is S’mores. Those are usually something you save for those special times like when you are camping or having a bonfire. If you happen to have some marshmallows left over from Easter, you might just want to make yourself a dessert style pizza with them.

S'mores Pizza in oven photo

I didn’t come up with the idea myself though for the pizza. We recently ordered from the local take and bake pizza place by my house and happened to order a S’mores pizza. It was so good that I was determined to make one at home. …

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How To Make CUTE Filled Peep Cupcakes + Easy Cupcake Recipe

Photo of Peep Cupcake

I will admit that I like Peeps even though I know they are like PURE sugar. I remember it was something I know I could look forward to each year in my Easter basket from my grandparents. I am glad though that these yummy but not so healthy treats are only available on the holidays.

When I seen the colorful bunny Peeps at the store just a couple weeks ago, I had to grab a couple packages and create something cute with them. The first thing that came to mind was cupcakes.

Photo of how to make filled cupcakes

Making these cute peep cupcakes is not only fun, they are really easy to make too. This might be something you want to do with the kids this week.

Here are the simple steps:

  1. First you make your cupcakes and let them cool.
  2. Use a knife and cut a circle in the middle. Then use spoon to remove some of the middle of the cupcake. I didn’t want to use that much frosting in the middle, so I only took out a small amount of cake.
  3. Fill hole with frosting and insert bunny peep.
  4. Use frosting to create a grass like look. This can be done using a fork.

If you don’t want to buy a cake mix from the store, I want to share with you a simple cupcake recipe that I use each time without fail.

Easy Cupcake Recipe
Recipe Type: Desserts
Author: MommyEnterprises.com
  • 3 cups flour (use cake flour if you have it)
  • 1 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2/3 cup butter (softened)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/3 cup milk
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  1. In a mixing bowl, add flour, salt and baking powder. Add milk, eggs and vanilla.
  2. In a separate bowl add butter and sugar and mix well.
  3. Mix butter/sugar mixture to flour mixture.
  4. Place cupcake liners into pan. Pour batter into liners and bake at 350 to 20 to 22 minutes or until golden color and toothpick comes out clean.

Do you enjoy Peeps during the holidays?


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Hidden Valley Ranch & Bacon Pasta Salad Recipe

Hidden Valley Ranch & Bacon Pasta Salad Picture

Sometimes ranch just makes food a whole better. Hidden Valley Ranch happens to be one of my FAVORITE salad dressings. I also like to use ranch as a dip and also as an ingredient in some of my recipes I make in my kitchen.

When it comes to side dishes, pasta is something I make often. One way we enjoy pasta at my house is with pasta salads. It is so easy cook different pasta noodles and add various ingredients to come up something yummy.

Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle and seasoning packet

Most of us at my house enjoy ranch, we also enjoy cheese and we also all LOVE bacon! Last week I thought I would make a pasta salad that included one of those handy Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning packets, some mozzarella cheese and some crispy bacon. My recipe is below:

Hidden Valley Ranch & Bacon Pasta Salad Recipe + Giveaway
Recipe Type: Side Dish
Author: Stefani Tolson – MommyEnterprises.com
  • 8 oz macaroni noodles
  • 1 package Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning Mix
  • 4-5 pieces cooked bacon – broken in small pieces
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 cup mozzarella cheese – small cubed shape
  1. Cook macaroni noodles according to instructions on package.
  2. Rinse noodles with cold water. Shake off excess water.
  3. Add mayonnaise and stir, then add ranch packet and mix well.
  4. Add bacon and cheese and toss to mix well.
  5. Enjoy!

Hidden Valley Prize Pack Giveaway

One of my LUCKY winners is going to receive a prize pack that includes: 2 Hidden Valley Ranch T-shirts, 1 Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle and 1 Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning Mix

Hidden Valley Prize Pack Picture

To enter my giveaway, submit your entries using the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!

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