There are a variety of great reasons to cut back on the use of chemically-laden cleaning products in your home. In addition to wanting to eliminate your exposure to toxic chemicals—which you, your children and your pets breathe in when you are cleaning—you are concerned about their negative effects on the environment. Traditional cleaners get into our water supply, which can be challenging for water treatment plants to handle in large amounts.
Fortunately, it is pretty easy to switch to cleaning products that are either very low in chemicals or totally toxin-free. As a bonus, you can make some of them yourself—usually for way less than you would spend on store-bought cleaners.
Research Companies Carefully
If you would prefer to purchase environmentally-friendly cleaning products rather than mix up batches of your own, you are in luck. Companies such as Amway sell cleaning products that allow you to clean your bathroom without having to open all of the windows, and you can let your babies crawl on newly-cleaned floors without worry. Instead of harsh chemicals with long and hard to spell names, Amway’s Legacy of Clean products are made from naturally derived ingredients including coconut oil, orange oil and aloe vera. They also do not include ammonia, chlorine or other chemicals that make it hard to breathe when cleaning.
DIY Disinfectant and Floor Cleaner
Moms who would rather stir up their own nontoxic cleaning products are definitely in luck—for a small investment you can easily make your own disinfectant and floor cleaner. Purchase two spray bottles and use a Sharpie to clearly mark each bottle so you don’t get them mixed up. Then, to make a natural disinfectant, combine 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract with two cups of water in a spray bottle. Thanks to grapefruit seed extract’s antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic properties, it can be used to clean bathroom, kitchen and other dirty surfaces with ease. For the floor cleaner that works well on wood floors, use a combo of water, olive oil or jojoba oil, white vinegar and lemon essential oil. You can spot spray it on sticky juice spills and wipe it up with a cloth or mix up a larger amount to clean the entire family room floor.
The Power of Vinegar
If you purchase only one natural cleaning product, you can’t go wrong with good ol’ white vinegar. Vinegar is a cheap and effective way to clean just about every room in your home. For example, for a clean toilet without tons of scrubbing and bleach, pour a couple of cups of vinegar into the toilet before you and the kids go to bed and then swish it clean in the morning with a toilet brush. Vinegar will not only sanitize the toilet with its natural levels of acetic acid, but it can remove hard water stains.
Vinegar can also help to remove crayon from walls—if your little Picasso has gone to town with her Crayolas on your living room wall, dip an old toothbrush in straight vinegar and scrub away the stains before wiping the wall clean.
Reducing the amount of chemicals you use in your home is definitely doable. Whether you prefer commercial products that allow you to clean with natural ingredients, or you want to make economical batches of cleaners that can disinfect and deodorize, you have plenty of great options for greener cleaning solutions.
[…] to your event, begin preparing your house or the venue by cleaning and setting up the seating. A home cleaning checklist will ensure that you touch every nook and cranny. For a venue, contact whoever set up the […]