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School Bus Sandwich Idea

School Bus Sandwich

Looking for a cute sandwich idea to put a smile on your child’s face? Park this friendly bus in front of your child to celebrate the start of the new school year.

  1. Cut a slice of bread into a rectangle, reserving a strip of crust.
  2. Trim a slice of yellow cheese to fit the bread as shown. Cut another slice of cheese for the hood.
  3. Use the reserved crust for a fender. Cut headlights and grill strips from white cheese and set them in place. Use the pointy end of a grape tomato for each red light.
  4.  Slice more tomato into a stop sign and smile.
  5. Finish with black olive tires, trimmed to lie flat, and use a straw to make pupils.

This fun sandwich idea has been provided by FamilyFun magazine.


  1. How cute! This is a sure-fire way for any child to eat and have fun. And it’s easy as well.

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