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The Forgotten Benefits of Play Dress-Up

In the world of a child’s mind, there is no impossible dream, no mountain too high to climb, or a cake too big to enjoy. That may be why children have loved dressing in costume for hundreds of years and then play acting the part of the clothing they have donned. It may be a fairy, a dragon, a princess, or a villain that your child invents, but whatever the clothing is – it can make the character. Here are four forgotten benefits of play dress-up.

The Forgotten Benefits of Play Dress-Up

1. Stage Fright

As your child stands before you telling a story about flying flowers or talking boulders, he or she is also learning to overcome the internal fear many people have called stage fright. Believe it or not, as your little one explains the story line of the play, your child is learning all about the essentials of a business presentation method he or she will probably use in 20 years. Scary, isn’t it!

2. Brain Development

Dressing up to clean the house, act in a play, or go to the store allows your child to pretend to be characters that act in a particular way your child believes that is different from his or her own actions. The child can take on a persona for a few minutes of another person as they remember how the rel=”follow” character acted in the story or what your child would imagine someone would do in the saga they are creating for themselves. Not only does it help develop memory, but dress-up can enhance creativity.

3. Problem Conclusion

As your little one swings his or her Anakin Skywalker lightsaber in an effort to conquer the bouncing mushrooms, it is more than a battle or physical activity. Your child is learning to solve the problem. With each type of costume your child wears, the character traits he or she develops, and decisions made during the battle, your little one is learning to bring problems to a conclusion using props in the real world. Isn’t that what life is all about?

4. Empathy Creation

As your young one rocks the baby doll he or she has wrapped in an old shirt or treats the ‘owie’ of his newly injured teddy bear, your child is also developing the invaluable character trait of empathy. There has to be a reason the baby is crying, the teddy bear needs a bandage, or the fire has to be put out – and that is where empathetic feelings are created.

Dress-up is about much more than putting on clothes and pretending. It is about acting out emotions and actions with the Anakin Skywalker lightsaber, daddy’s tie, and mommy’s hat. It is about brain development and problem conclusion, and it is about personal growth in a happy, creative world.

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